Being a programmer or Developer isn't easy but its TOTALLY worth it!


I bask in the beauty and comfort of waking up in the morning, having some desire to solve a new problem through coding. It is amazing when you write lines of code and it just works. Even better, when it's exactly what you want it to do without any bugs. Although the chances of Zero bugs in your lines of code are, well, not very likely. But hey, it does happen when no bugs pop out in your code snippet. Coding is fun, educating, and liberating as well. It can be a pain too if things don't go our way but that's just the beauty of it. Writing, debugging, revisiting the code, spending hours trying to figure out that solution to the problem. Yes, it feels like an adventure.

There are several ways I would recommend to developers, especially the newbies in Tech that can help in avoiding the DEV CYCLE OF DOOM. In this cycle, you keep repeating processes without making progress. It is a never-ending build loop where nothing gets completed, yet there’s always more work. It's something that can go on for years and has the potential to steal the life from you, while simultaneously making you feel like you’re making progress without an end goal. So here are some tips to help out.

  • Take a break when you are stressed and not making any progress. Take a day, or two, or a few hours even depending on the complexity of the situation. Be it a Work-related project or a personal project. Take some time off your laptop. Do something creative that you love and inspires me. In my case, it's Call of Duty or some music. When you do this, it allows your brain and mind to be refreshed for new ideas. This works 90% of the time for me.

  • Brainstorm other ways to approach the problem. The beauty in Technologies or information Technology as a developer is there is always more than one way to solve a problem. It is not stereotyped to one solution. Grab a pen, quickly jot down the new idea or draw something. Think of different ways of approaching this. There was a time I was building an app and had some issues with implementing Event listeners for simultaneous changes in a database. It took a while but I used these methods mentioned above, I tried other ways I could use to solve the problem. It worked. I found a new way. This might be your case too. And this works 75% of the time.

  • Another most important if not the most important is to always never stop. Consistency is Key for a developer. If you stop visiting your studies, you stand to lose most of what you've learned. Make progress by always learning. Building, creating something with your newfound knowledge.


Becoming a developer is not a day's job. It takes years and is usually for a lifetime. There's never a time to stop learning. Just as children grow every day, so do APIs and updates and all that. The world is shifting to Information Technology away from the weans of oil and gas. It's time to take a step in I.T. Find your niche and what suits your personality. I.T is for everyone.

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