First Project Concept - Pomodoro Task Tracker (Feedback Welcomed)


For the next couple weeks, I'm focusing my learning on JavaScript and the JS tools for interacting with the Hive and Steem blockchains. My first project concept is a Pomodoro tool I want to build for myself but also will open for anyone to be able to use (so I can practice user integration and get additional feedback).

Pomodoro Timer

General Concept

I want to build a Pomodoro timer that also keeps track of tasks to be completed during both work and break periods. I've used Pomodoro on and off for years and generally struggled with what I should do during the break periods. I generally have a number of little chores and tasks that I could be doing that would accomplish the goal of separating from the work task while using my time more effectively than sitting on the couch or scrolling through social media. The problem I generally have is keeping track of those tasks and deciding which to start. I end up spending the majority of my break period trying to figure out what I should do instead of actually doing it. I want to build into the timer a working list I can keep track of and a function that alerts me to the next task when it is time for a break period.

I also want to generate metrics to keep track of how many tasks I accomplished that day, how effective I was at sticking to the Pomodoro time periods, and other ways to measure productivity so I can have daily metrics for my effectiveness (measure to improve). I will integrate this into the Hive and Steem blockchains by having a function that allows for publishing this data to the blockchain as an accountability system. This way we can compete on effectiveness and encourage each other to improve.

I currently plan to build this as a React website with desktop and mobile layouts but that may change as I flush out the concept. It also may be interesting to build a desktop application with Electron.

More to come over the next couple of weeks...

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