Hello everyone, this is my first time posting to this community and I'm really happy seeing there is such a community on the hive blockchain. My name is Hope but I go with the username @ hopestylist and it will be nice to get to know more people here.


Today, I will be sharing some very useful and important words which will be very helpful for your salvation. As believers of the word of God, we were made to understand that in time past God dealt with one nation which is the children of Israel and he gave them a mediator who was Moses, he also gave them laws to guide them in living a life that is pleasing unto God.

While as Christians today, we have been given a better covenant according to Hebrew 7:22, 8:6. Now we are privileged to be under a more better testament through Jesus Christ who is now our high priest as we see in Hebrew 9:11. We were made to understand in the scripture that Jesus Christ came to earth, died and resurrected on the third day and also we were made to understand in Acts 20:28 that he purchased the church of God with his own blood and he has called out his followers from the world just like God chose the children of Israel.

God the father also made us know in Matthew 17:5 that Christ is his beloved son in whom he is well pleased and we should hear him. Christ came to earth to die for our sins because the Bible made us to understand that without the shedding of blood, there will be no remission. After Christ died, was buried and resurrected, before he ascended to heaven, we were made to understand that he told his apostles to wait in Jerusalem for the holy spirit to come upon them.

In Acts 2 we were made to understand that Peter out of the eleven stood to preach to the multitude and about three thousand souls were Baptized into the church and they were taught all they need to know, continued in fellowship, the breaking of bread and in prayers. In the concluding part of that passage, we were made to understand that God continued to add to the church those who will be saved.

Jesus Christ has given everyone the opportunity to be part of his body which is the church according to Colossians 1:18 and we can only get the opportunity to be part of his body when we follow the steps below;


  • Hear - The first step to being added to the body of Christ is first hearing the gospel - Romans 10:17 and the gospel is that, Christ came to earth, he died and resurrected on the third day 1 Corinthians 15:1-5.

  • Believe - The second step is to believe in the gospel and have faith in what you have heard - Mark 16:15-16.

  • Repent - After believing the gospel, it is only right for you to forfeit anything that goes contrary to the teachings of Christ - Luke 24:47, Acts 17:30

  • Confess - After believing and repenting of your sins, you will have to confess your faith not your sins. You will have to confess with your mouth the lord Jesus - Roman 10:9-10.

  • Baptism - In Mark 16:15-16 we were told that he who believes and is Baptism will be saved. Baptism put us into Christ and it's what makes us a new creature according to 2 Corinthians 5:17.

After following all of these steps, you are then added to the church which Christ promised in Matthew 16:18. In Acts 2:37-47 we saw that the church began with power, after following these steps, you will have to identify yourself with the church and if there's non where you live, then you can do well to look for the church that practice the teachings of Jesus Christ in totality.

I will leave you to ask more questions if you have any, I'm very sure you will if you read this.

Until next time, stay AWESOME!!!

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