I'm not weird you are!... Okay fine, I am weird.πŸ˜…: A Weekend-engagement post :)


"Take pride in your uniqueness, for it is a reflection of your purpose and beauty in this world. I like to think I am different, if that is the case."

β€” Zeraton.

Ahh... I must tell you now that everything you are about to read in this post, I wrote with nothing but absolute delight and enthusiasm. Needless to say, I had a BLAST with this particular post topic:


Name and explain some of your personality quirks, strange habits or oddities that other people may find strange, weird, funny or just plain unusual. Tell us about any moments in which they may have caused humour, embarrassment or just came in useful. It's about you, so simply write what you feel is right and you wish to share.

After going on what was more than a decade of thorough self discovery, I have come to the conclusion that I am a rather strange fellow.

You see from the outside it might just seem like I'm being funny or something like that but the closer you get to know me, the more you realize that I'm just a perfect blend of fascinating and strange. Honestly, I don't mind my oddities at all, I have come to embrace them and as Tyrion Lannister once said:

"Never forget what you are, the rest of the world will not. Wear it like armor and it can never be used to hurt you.”

And so without further Ado, I urge you to take a look at some of my Oddities:

Please Note that I would not be sharing all of them due to some very personal reasons.

ODDITY NO.1: The 15 Times Exercise

As you might've noticed, I have the handwriting of a quack doctor :)

Yes, I wanted to start off the list with something more positive because the ones that follow are just absolutely abnormal. So yeah! The 15 times exercise.

I actually adapted this exercise from my late Uncle and it has helped me a lot over the years. All that is required for the exercise to work is a pen, a paper, and a few minutes of patience and passion.

During the exercise, you are to pen down anything you feel like(most often a positive thing) on a piece of paper 15 times before taking a deep breath and reading what you wrote aloud.

Now, the nature of the exercise focuses more on attraction and manifestation whereby a sequence of repeated ideas can manifest in your life. After all, you attract what you say.

Frankly, I find that the exercise works very well for me especially when I write down sentences like:

I am Happy!


Today is gonna be a good day!

Yes, writing sentences like these bring a lot of positivity to both myself and my world. And as much some people might find the whole thing superstitious or just plain silly, I still believe that there is power in repetition and attraction.

ODDITY NO.2: I sometimes communicate with stuffed animals.

Now to be clear those aren't mine, they're my little cousin's. Okay, that just makes me sound a lot more crazy.πŸ˜…

So, if you follow my blogs, you would definitely know those two guys above: Kenny the Tiger, and Little old Horsie.

Hmm... there's really no normal way of saying this but uhm... I steal them from my cousin and then i put my glasses on the tiger.

Also, I can hear them. Like we literally have conversations over lunch.

Enough said.

ODDITY NO.3: The Witching

This is a screenshot of my phone's alarm earlier today

Okay now this particular oddity kind of scares me a little. For the past 13 days, I have noticed that I've been waking up around the time of 3:00am to 3:30am in the early hours of the morning, for no particular reason! And then once I open my eyes, I immediately start to hear a loud sounding shriek of an owl flying past by my window.

Honestly, I don't know what's going on but I'm FREAKING out!! And to make it much worse, the internet says it's a phenomenon known as The Witching hour - a supposed time where demons, ghosts, and other supernatural entities are present and at their most powerful.

Oh for fuck sake's, I just want to sleep!!

ODDITY NO.4: Morning Wood

Okay this oddity definitely puts the D in Vitamin d :)

Okay so for a long time I have always wondered why this happens:

I wake up from sleep, get out of bed, clean up, go get my morning cup of coffee, and when I go out to the balcony for some morning sunshine BOOM!!! Boner.

Now I always imagined this was a common thing kinda like a guy's causal morning erection but no!! This was far more bizarre.
It took me a while before I mustered up the courage to search the internet for what was happening to me and the answer: Actirasty β€” a sexual arousal to sunlight.

"God No!" I thought because this condition was just way too damn weird! No, no, no, this couldn't be it. But yet again there was just something about that sweet morning sunlight; that beautiful sunny ray that sent a swarm of ecstasy, warmth, and pleasure through my body and so perhaps that was the reason my meat responded to it the way it did.

Hmm... Would I say I am in denial of my condition β€” YES!

ODDITY NO.5 : I have an irrational fear of my testicles

That's right, I am terrified of my balls! If you think that's weird, try searching the word "testicles" on Unsplash :)

Hmm... when I was about 11 years old, I had a very unusual fear of my scrotum. So you can imagine how hard it was for me to use the bathroom.

It always started with me zipping down before screaming:

Aaahhhhhhhhhh!!! Testicles!

Honestly, it was so bad that I actually had to go for counseling to fix the issue. At the end, the doctor simply told us it was normal thing and that it was probably just my way of reacting to puberty.

Okay, so fast forwarding a couple years later and my phobia had already matured into something much more understandable β€” I developed a fear of losing my testicles.

Funny to think huh? But this was my new fear. Yeah, every now and then I would catch myself searching underneath my trousers trying to see if I had every ball in place.

Phew, they're both there. That was a close one.

I would often say to myself.

Ahh... I distinctly remember the time I had an accident on my bike:

*I was riding my bike with some friends but when I made a wrong turn, I accidentally hit my area on the handle of the bike and screamed in pain!

My friends immediately rushed to me and said:

Woa! You okay bud?

My reply:

Yeah, yeah... I'm okay.

I was not. And so when I got home and went to my bedroom, it became a constant battle to find my missing ball.

Oh my God, I screamed, I cried, and I swore as I kept searching over and over, begging God to help me find my missing ball! And then moments later, I found it!

Haha... Don't mind me, that's probably too much information there. But I'm fine now. REALLYπŸ˜…...

Tell that to the 15 times exercise :) Ahh... there's that quack Doctor handwriting again.

Thanks for reading and keep exploring!

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