Working for my Own Cravings

**How much do you rest on a weekend? Do you have your routine? Do you plan or do unplanned? **

Yes of course, rest day is a rest day. Sometimes I plan, and sometimes don't. I know you would agree with me, that those unplanned events are the best and the ones that were usually realized.

So, here is how my weekend went. πŸ₯°

On this beautiful sunny Sunday, me, my girlfriend and her girl cousins,decided for a real quick plan. To go to their farm lot (with ricefield and coconut trees). We just had coconut meat and juice cravings.

Oh, how I miss this one ☺️
So, let's get started and get the cravings quickly 😁

How could we ever get coconut fruit when we're all women? 😁

None of us knows and has the guts to climb the tree. Hehe We have to find the one, the one who could throw us the fruit of our cravings! 😁 But, thanks to our tito, he finds us someone to climb for us. But hey, we're not there yet. We still need to walk for a bit far in a muddy and skinny footway along the ricefield. And thanks to our very own tour guide for leading us into the shortcut. It was then 8am in the morning and the sun was a little too harsh. But we were so excited and we don't even mind. That sunshine I think was the mere star that day. How much it really highlighted the beautiful scenery we had.

On my very first glance on where we should start our journey, I was so amazed and the excitement I have inside was so apparent. I can't remember when was the last time I have walked on the aisle of rice crops. It was just amazing because of how it smiles at me. That smile that makes me smile back to them. They are so happy and so I am more than happy. That feeling of gladness for having that opportunity to be in a happy place once again especially when I am so tired.

So, there I never wasted any moment and have it documented

The 2 stages of growing rice...

I honestly don't know the whole process of growing rice, but I know the yellow grains are ready for harvest. Hehehe

And finally, after a long while walk, I can see the coconut trees waving at us. The main course of todays meal 😁

The coconut climber started immediately on picking up young coconut fruits. So he dropped the first one for us to check and taste if he got it correctly, if its young, yum and perfect to eat. And yes, after it was opened I was the first one to taste it. 😁 It's just so sweet and fresh and the water was so refreshing, perfect after the long walk we had. The fruits picked were gathered. We did not open and eat the fruits because we're gonna bring it at home and make some "lamaw" (mixed of young coconut meat and coconut water, added with condensed milk, orange soda and biscuits). We also have gathered those coconut seedlings to plant to their vacant farm lot.

The pre taste by yours truly 😁 using the coconut's outer shell (as my spoon)

The coconut seedlings

Each one of us carried the coconut fruits and seedlings to bring at home

Lifting weight is never new to me since I also do dumbbell workout. And the sweats were all worth it when carrying the coconut fruit. One of the nicest exercise I had in this weekend. We went home safe and sound, bringing some happy and thrilling memories (one of those was when our foot sunk in the mud). 😁

I am so grateful for the experience, it's not actually new but it was one I had in my childhood years that I really missed. The weather was just perfect and I'm with some great company. πŸ‘­

I also hope you could find some reasons to have an amazing weekend experience. Forget all the worries and strive for happiness.

That's it for this blog. Thanks! πŸ₯°

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