Karaoke, Baby Sitting and More

Don't plan, just let things happen

Sunday was my rest day and I did not have rest at all. I planned to wake up late, I cooked more food than we could eat the night before so we have something to eat when I woke up late on Sunday but my dear son just does not want me. He woke up at 5in the morning, earlier than my alarm, and dragged me to the comfort room to do his thing.

I'm trying to enhance my photography skills and I realized that it's not about the quantity; it's about the quality.

I was not feeling well but the laundry could not wait so I did them as fast as I could. I took my son to bed at noon for a nap yet he was full bats of energy and went out. The mother in me keeps listening to him while my body goes to sleep but as soon as darkness took over, my husband came and I had to wake up and eat so we could go to his sister's place to ask for help on Monday. Chielly needs to go to her graduation practice but I have to go to work and hubby had to go to an amateur boxing tournament.

Karaoke and Baby Sitting

Liza bought a new speaker so they tried it on and had karaoke; they had fun but I was too weak to join, my eyes wants to close for a while but they are just so noisy and I had to tend to my son playing ball outside.

Zia was at their house, Nanay had to do her laundry so they took the kid and took care of her. Liza wanted a child with her boyfriend but she had tubal ligation way back over a decade so she just borrow nephews and nieces.

Liza is a care taker of a small poultry farm ad look what she has in her garden:

This lemonsito is juts over a foot tall but had bore many fruits already.

This Guyabano is just 8 feet tall and it got a lot of blooms and fruits in it!

They asked us to take Zia to Nanay's house and I was reluctant because she's too small! I've forgotten how to hold a baby already!


We got home by 4 in the afternoon and came home with my daughter helping my sister prepare a grill.

Czak looked at my what my mother was doing and she is creating a chicken feeder using a bamboo.

The daughter modeled the butter in a funny face, and we got scolded for being too slow. lols

The grilling game was on and my sister was too busy with her phone and got the bananas burnt! Anyway, It was still delicious. Salted butter is added to its flavor even without sugar.

I was too tired and was hoping for the evening to come soon. But I enjoyed every bit of the activity we did because I did it with my family. I had a very fun weekend filled with love and joy!

Before I leave, let me ask you this: Have you ever had a grilled banana?

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