After continuous rain, this is how the valley disaster happened😥🥹

Hello friends, hope you all are healthy and you are sharing with your family members, so friends, once again welcome to my daily routine that I, friends, as today is Saturday, today I went towards my village, which is about 20 kilometers from my city, we had left on the bike in the morning, we had reached the location of our house, as soon as I went on foot and at a short distance I saw that a wall was completely fallen down on the road because it was raining continuously for two days, it was raining continuously for 2 days in the morning and evening, today the weather was a bit clear and there was also a little sunshine, so I left for my village, the roads are closed due to rain and the road is completely closed, in such a situation, problems like these keep happening every day in the mountains, if seen, people like the mountains and living in the mountains, it looks good only in a photo, in reality, living a life in the mountains is full of struggle, there are many disasters, out of which flood and landslide are two types of disasters.



After reaching home, I took some rest and then I set out to do the household work. I went to Khushi Dwar to get the household stuff and there I saw that a complete mountain had slid down and many big stones were fallen on the road as well. At some places, the road itself was down and it was not even known whether there was a road here or not. Similarly, at some places the entire road had collapsed.






Although there is a lot of water in this river but during the rainy season you can see what the level of water would have been in the river, today the water here looks quite clear but yesterday or the day before yesterday this water was very dirty, heavy with mud, the river was looking quite destructive.






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