First time living a dream


20 years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

First I would like to Thank for another great weekend topic, that immediately threw me back some old good, precious memories. It threw me back into 2016, after I decided I had enough of schooling, was all over the place, was trying out everything, going around everywhere, and for the first time in my life I decided to follow my dreams.

✨option four20✨ :)
Tell us about when you first moved out of home and took control of your own life independently of your parents. Were you nervous or excited by the prospect, were you forced to leave or was it by choice? How did the process go - smoothly or were there problems?

Back in end of August 2016 I went on our seacoast to beautiful city Portoroz in sLOVEnia to meet a good old friend and sleep on the floor at his tiny room, while we did a lot of swimming, exploring the seacoast, did some hiking combined with many hubbies and alcohol.

One night he said he was working in Port Koper, driving new cars and telling me how much fun he had sliding them around.. I was immediately hooked and said I really want to do that, how can he get me in and what do I need!


In September, he got me a part-time job moving furniture for a month till I got all the papers done, I got myself my first apartment where I moved. It was a tiny little apartment, more like a room with a bathroom, but with very nice and petrol driven family that they invited me for the first time rally event I ever went too in Nova Gorica.

I started my dream job, working in Port Koper on October 1st 2016. Oh man, thats where my world changed, that's when I forgot about everything else, lived in the moment, lived on the coast with a view to the sea and started driving many new cars I always dreamed about.


I drove everything from Hyundai i10 to Mercedes-Benz G-classes, Maybach's, Audi TT S, GTI's, special edittions, lots of AMG's, armorded & tuned X5. It was a lot of fun, the best nights were when we had to drive Mercedes es, as we knew there are at least 2 working days driving only Mercedes to the same ship. I worked from 10-12 hours, mostly 11 - 6 days a week, with 8 hours time to get back to work.

Later all Mercs went sideways, very fun sounding A-class AMG's to wake me up and get my inner child few with petrol fumes and exciting, never forgetting moments in my life.


While I lived and worked in Port for 6 months there were a lot of first times, I will also never forget.

  • first apartment
  • first time moving away from parents
  • first time waking up with a view to the sea
  • first kiss (of course)
  • first rally event
  • first time realized dream
  • first job I was fully committed too
  • first dream job
  • first time driving a new car
  • first time feeling like nothing can't stop me
  • first girlfriend
  • first drift (BMW4 series)
  • first time driving a V8 (bi-turbo G-class AMG)
  • first lounch control
  • first burnout
  • first time taking life in my own control
  • catching first (tiny) sea fish

Everything was going great, too good to be true, had a ton of luck on my side, everything I thought about, happened and it really felt, like this is it, this is what I was dreaming about ever since I was a little boy - working at Port, having a lot of fun.

Everything was fun, till my phone rang late in night on 1.1.2017 while I watched a movie with my first girlfriend, getting sober after previous night. At 10.30 pm I got the call from my other brother that my father has passed away.

I didn't sleep that night, nor a whole week, completely lost appetite, heavily increased usage of substances, focused that much harder on work and was doing 110% (at least what it felt like) to get everything back right, but in reality... my world started shattering.

In next three months I changed two apartments, used up all my savings, had bills to pay where my father lived at his apartment, lost touch with friends, lost girlfriend, lost touch with myself, reality and drifted away for several years, till last year, when I said to myself enough is enough.

In April 2017 I got literary kicked out of the apartment and next day moved back to dads apartment, where I still live, with great good memories, a ton of life lessons, experience of a dream and a whole bag of wisdom to carry out with me.

2017 was a very hard year for me, but what doesn't kill us, does make us stronger! I joined old Ste emit platform and started writing and sharing photos with you all, witch helped me out a ton and still does till this day. I'm very grateful for such an amazing platform as Hive to exist, where I can share my thoughts that ramble around my head, where I can store precious memories and photos for ever and where I can learn, get better, wiser, stronger and use it to improve myself for a better tomorrow.


Everything you can imagine is real.” — Pablo Picasso

Thank you very kindly for reading this far, it's been an amazing ride, truly grateful to be a part of this amazing community that brings back many great memories that will have in my heart for ever. Last several topics have really touched me, mostly this first one, it was the first that really hurt me, but first of experiences that helped me grow, get sober, start making changes and started setting new higher goals to reach.

For more information about this 83. Weekend engagement topic : WE83 post topics: Your first time

Thank you soo much for all the support!

Photos were all from 2016 / 2017 in sLOVEnia, made with my now ancient Samsung Galaxy S3.

Wishing you a good day & a good life.


Imagination is everything it is the preview of life's coming attractions -Albert Einstein

Til next time, stay awesome... Happy, Strong & Healthy my friends !

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