Week-Long Dilemma of Living Without My Phone

The world keeps evolving, and presently we're in the digital age, meaning most of what we indulge in in the present age revolves around digital devices, one of which is our mobile phone. Through the years, mobile phones have grown to become a part of us and our daily activities, and with those in mind, the thought of being without them for a week seems impossible, but is that really impossible?

I understand we're humans and are bonded to revolve with time, seasons, and changes, so if the world were to get to a stage where there's no mobile phone, we'd still survive, but then, according to the focal point of this prompt, phones still exist; it's just you doing away with them for a week, which personally for me is a no-no, and something I can't do for loads of reasons I highlighted below:

  • My companion: as an introvert who isn't married and prefers being indoors than outdoors, being without my phone seems like it's going to be a gateway to boredom, because regardless of whether I have it or not, I'll still prefer to be indoors than outdoors, and the mobile phone has been one of the ways I get myself entertained and as I connect to the outside world via chatting, making friends, and getting acquainted with happenings around the globe via the internet.

  • My goals: Another reason why I can't do without my phone for a week is because it'll ruin my goals. I want to do a power-up of 1 hive every day this year and also want to do the same with blogging, but being away from my phone means that goals can't be achieved because the hive won't power itself up and neither can the blog post write itself.

  • Gateway to my side hustles: My mobile phone is the gateway to most of my side hustles that grant me access to multiple streams of income, which is necessary to survive and make ends meet in this part of the world. As I don't have a personal computer, my mobile phone is the only way I access the multiple online channels where I devote my skills and time to earn, and being away from that phone for a week would be doing away with possible money I might have earned if I were to be with it.

So with all that being said, I hope you now see the reasons why I can't do without my phone. Although I know being away with it has some profitable benefits, it'll offer me, like enough time to spend with my relatives and neighbors and try other opportunities that lie outside the internet, but then, it's what it's, and I'll just stick with being with my mobile phone rather than doing away with it for a week, let's just conclude by saying I'm mobile dependent.

That's about it for now. I hope you enjoyed the read. The write-up was inspired by the WEEKEND EXPERIENCE community hosted by @galenkp . Check out the prompt post to see the numerous prompt topics and see which one you can write on.

Thanks for your time. Have a productive day ahead.

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