Three minutes

Fortunately, I can see, walk, hear, taste, smell, move all my limbs, talk, grasp, feel, touch, among so many wonders. Surely, most people will say that all this is nothing special because a large percentage of people can do all that, although the truth is that there is another huge group that can not do some things that for most people is normal, so I apologize if someone with a "disability" reads me and somehow my words could cause some discomfort or offense, it is not my intention.

Going back to the initial point, it is a blessing to be able to do everything I can do, not all of us have that privilege, it would be quite difficult not to be able to do at least one of these things I have mentioned, although if you ask me, I would rather be mute than blind, deaf or not being able to walk.

I am not very talkative and I also like to be spoken to only for the essential, I don't like to listen to people's daily conversations, but I do like to listen to the waves of the sea or a song I like, for example. And no, it's not that I would like to be mute, but I think there are worse conditions.

What we cannot express with our voice, we can write, even some Apps read it for us. Even so, not being able to speak again would be quite sad and desperate, a totally undesirable condition although there are some worse, depending on the optics of each one.

But, what would it be like to have only 3 minutes to say something to my partner before losing the ability to speak forever?

In a situation like this I would take at least a couple of minutes to record some phrases that, for sure, in the future will be very useful to me in more than one occasion. The phrases would go something like this:

  • Shut up and kiss me.
  • Bring me a chocolate, baby.
  • Caress my feet, my love.
  • Don't complain, remember she's my mom.
  • Tell me about the good things in our relationship.
  • You can handle that and more, my beautiful, everything happens.
  • Wow, but how beautiful you are today, I'm sure you will raise many eyes, I just ask you to remember these eyes that shine for you.
  • Count on me for anything, except to speak for you.
  • Don't shout please, I am mute, not deaf.
  • Forgive me, please, I am a fool.
  • I'm sorry my love, hold me.

I did the test and recorded these sentences on audio and it didn't even last a minute. So I would still have more than 2 minutes to speak, everything would be recorded, of course. I would like to say something like:

I will still be able to see myself in your eyes, see your smile and see the delicious meals we will prepare together and the places we will go hand in hand. Thank you for being with me.

I will be able to hear your voice and we will be able to enjoy music together when there are some pieces that are to both of our liking. I love it when you whisper in my ear and I will continue to have that privilege, don't stop doing it. Thank you for being there.

Not everything will always be perfect, and if at some point you no longer want this, tell me and you can be sure I won't say anything about it, there's no doubt about that.

At this moment, I want us to be together as long as possible, without goodbyes, but if for some reason, someday I don't want to be anymore, let me go in peace.

You won't be able to hear me tell you I love you, but you will see it in my actions and attitudes towards you. I would like to receive the same. Thank you for being there.

If at some point we decide to separate, let's listen to all this again while looking into each other's eyes.

I did the test and between the sentences plus the final words, the whole thing would take me only a couple of minutes. That's assuming I don't run out of breath at some point or have to pause several times because I'm sobbing.

Even so, I think I could spare a few moments to subtly say in his ear: I love you, I love you, I love you... Until I run out of voice and, in silence, only our hearts can be heard beating fast.

This writing is inspired by @galenkp's proposal for this three year anniversary week!.

Thanks for reading

The image belongs to me and was edited with my phone and in Canva.

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