Love? without borders?

I have gotten excited more than once chatting with someone on some page and then exchanging phone numbers, things can get really intense, too much I would say.

From many attempts I remember one time when everything turned out great and it was coincidentally when I had less expectations about it, even that person just wanted to meet new friends because she was just moved to the city, however, unexpectedly for both of us, we had an irresistible attraction when we met to share an ice cream, an attraction that neither the photos nor the messages had achieved.

As I already have experience in meeting people online, there is something I avoid and that is meeting people who are far away, even being in the same country if the person is in another city, I simply avoid it, and when I am in that plan an indispensable requirement for me is that he/she is here in Caracas, where I currently live.

But, as it happens many times, there are exceptions...

When the quarantine for the Covid-19 pandemic began, during those first days, I felt a bit anxious and although I am very lonely in life, at that moment I wanted to have at least one virtual friend to share thoughts and whatever might come up, so I entered one of those pages and sent something like a mass message to girls in my city and the closest cities. Surely some of them would answer me.

Although in cases like these, it is not only a matter of receiving an answer, but after receiving it, to continue to be interested and to be reciprocated. It is a challenge and a matter of the universe being in our favor, although many times these signals from the universe are misinterpreted or nonexistent.

For those days, I felt a connection like never before with a person who lives in a city near Caracas, about 3 hours away. My conversations with her made my days more bearable and pleasant, we talked about almost anything, at any time, we exchanged voice notes, photos and videos.

After only a couple of months of communication she told me that she was willing to move to another city and live with me and I told her that this was something to think about very well, besides she lived in a much more comfortable house than mine in a much quieter area to live.

I could not do that to a girl about to finish her degree with a good position in a company.

Considering my refusal, she offered me to move in with her. Fortunately, my kitty had had a litter of babies and those days I couldn't just abandon them, because otherwise I had nothing left to lose, that's what I thought at the time.

This is real love

We continued to communicate intensely for several months.

I had an idea of her based on the things she told me and the long conversations we had, as well as many photos I saw.

After a while, more than a year, maybe 2, we saw each other, we had a great time together and it was only after sharing intimate moments that she told me a good part of the truth about herself, which was not nearly as much as she had led me to believe before.

I was chatting all that time not only virtually, but I got my hopes up with someone unreal, who didn't really show herself as she was.

Social networks lend themselves to create fantasy stories, you can see a lot and hear a lot and believe that only because of that you are seeing reality, but some people are really good at the art of lying.

I knew of the case of a guy who was enraptured by a girl he contacted through a page and as the days went by he confided some personal and family matters to her. It turned out that this woman was part of a criminal group that was in charge of kidnapping people and extorting money from the family. They kidnapped the boy the day he went to meet who he thought was his new love. Luckily, he lived to tell the tale after his family paid the ransom, which prompted him to move to another country.

Meeting people on the Internet has many risks, although meeting them in person is often risky, in both cases you have to be very careful and cautious.

Of course, there are also people who are worth knowing and who have good intentions. How can I be so sure? Because I belong to the group of those who have good intentions, however, I am cautious.

Now, taking into account everything I have written so far, plus some other things I have not written, I would not move to another country because I feel in love with someone, because if I have not seen the person before I can not speak of love between us, only of infatuation which is something else and it is a stage of illusion and desire that is temporary, however, love is built when you think you know the other person well.

Although, I believe that we never get to know the other person well, even we ourselves change, it would be a shame not to do so.

In short, I would not move to another country because I think I have found love. With my luck, it is likely that the person would see me at the airport, turn around and not answer me anymore. That would leave me in faraway lands, paying rent, having to work, with a broken heart and endless regrets.

Truly, photographs and video calls are one thing, but the energy that each person emanates is something else, something inexplicable but totally real.

I still believe in love, I never want to stop believing. I still believe that there are many people who can be trusted, even so, if someday my changing nature challenges me to consider moving to another country just to be with someone, I don't think so, but it is a possibility, first I would make sure I always have a return ticket, just in case.

Thank you for accompanying me. I wish you health, well-being and fulfillment.

This writing is inspired by @galenkp's proposal for this weekend.

Photographs of my property.

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