Weekend Engagement - Are We Truly Ready for AI?

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Good day to everyone, it's been a while since I've posted in the community and now I'm to share my thoughts on an amazing prompt that was being shared by @galenkp for this weekend.

Today's prompt for weekend engagement is rather intriguing, it is regarding what excites and makes me fearful in the future.

The biggest topic that we are looking forward in the future will be the continuous development of AI and how it integrates with our every day lives.

The Excitement
There are many parts amazing things that came about with AI. One of the first things that came about which brought the most excitement to many was the emergence of ChatGPT. This chatting interface actually becomes an interactive search engine which allows you to find information and even refine the information shared based on what you need. To get ChatGPT moving, you just need to ask a question to it and it will respond to you the answer. You can ask about almost anything to it other than some specific topics/items which are prohibited.

Example of me asking ChatGPT for a python code:


It brings so much convenience and even allows you to copy the code out directly. In the past, I would have to search google or even flip those thick yellow "xxx code for dummies" book to find what I need. It saves everyone so much time and allow so many possibilities.

Next amazing that came about was AI image generation. From the likes of MidJourney, DALL.E and many other image generation tools available, there is an influx of AI generated images to the market. To be honest, some of the AI generated art looks even better some drawn pictures. All one need to do is just type into the text book what you wish to generate, else if you already have a picture with you and wish to get more variants of your current picture, you can also use that image to generate more images.

Example of me randomly typing some words and doing image generation:


The generated image look good isn't it? And that is why with such tools, it really help me with my template design for the photobooth business that I run.

This 2 aspect of AI already creating so much possibilities of how much more AI can go. Not forgetting that AI is even integrating to softwares that I am using on a day to day basis due to my work nature. Now generative fill is available in Adobe PhotoShop as seen below, makes my design workflow much more simplified and efficient:


With all these convenience and productivity that AI brings, are we really ready to handle AI?

The Fear
Honestly while I know how good each of the AI tools bring us, there will be sure to be abuse that comes with it. There is always a saying that "AI brings limitless possibilities" and that is where how scary things can be knowing that while AI bring limitless possibilities in good ways, the limitless possibilities also goes in the opposite way.

Some areas where AI is dangerous can be found in the form of job losses. With the emergence of AI and the speed it develops, there are jobs that will seemingly looking to be irrelevant. Artist/Designer will lose jobs to AI generated images, writer possibly losing job to ChatGPT for example.

One thing because I come into close contact due to AI image generation is that the ability to create really realistic photo breeds another form of danger. People can create fake profile pictures and start scamming others believing that they are speaking to a real person. Not just photos, I heard AI generated videos are also on the rise which adds even more threat.

These are very real problems that if not dealt with properly will bring big issues and harm to people.

While AI brings so much excitement, especially the convenience and productivity, the need for proper legislation and governance is very much needed else we will not know what is real and what is not and also the possibility of jobs being taken over fast before people able to adapt after learning new work skills for other jobs. How do you view AI and are you really ready for AI living alongside us?

Wishing you an awesome weekend and see you in my next post.

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