✨A small shack on an idyllic beach or a cabin in the woods?✨ | Weekend Engagement 142.

✨🌸¡Hello my dear friends! I hope you are having a great weekend.🌸✨

On this occasion I decided to join the weekend challenge proposed by @galekp, this time he gave us a choice between several interesting topics, but one in particular caught my attention and to which I will respond below.


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If you could choose between a small shack on an idyllic beach or a cabin in the woods, which would you choose and why?

The idea of living on the beach sounds great, it's a beautiful place to admire the sunset, it's like living inside a photograph, but I'm not the best friend of the sun and the sea scares me a bit, because the sea is very mysterious and i never see what is below me, if i had to choose a place to live it would be a cabin in the woods.

Living in the forest can be the dream of many, there we can achieve a life full of serenity and a lot of peace, away from pollution and the noise of the city.

One of the things that I have always wanted is to live away from the noise of the cars and to live apart from other houses, that is something that I can find when living in the forest, because there the only noise I can hear is the blowing of the breeze hitting the leaves of the trees, the one with the birds and well... Crickets and toads haha. But yes, it would certainly be my place of complete peace and one of my favorite sound spaces.

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It would be the perfect place to go for a morning run or walk, have a cup of coffee or hot chocolate with the family and at the end of the day enjoy a beautiful sunset with a small campfire, accompanied with some marshmallows like in the movies.
It would also be the perfect place to grow crops and that is a theme that I would really love. Living in the forest would give me the option to expand and have a lot of my own crops and of course lots of flowers. The truth is that it would make me very happy. I think that for me it would be the perfect place, an open space, full of flora. and fresh air.

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