Life As An Instrumentalist | Trumpet Major


Music is life they say and I really met it like that, playing instrument have been one of my bucket list since when I was in primary school, every time we go to church, I do take sneak peak at the church instrumentlist especially the organist and the ways he do move his hands on the keyboard without even looking, playing every song solfege, I do imagine how he manage to do all that. One day I was at home when I started hearing drum sound and I had to leave what I was doing just to know what is going on and I saw this uniform people with playing the drumset, some where playing instrument like trumpet, saxophone, tromphone and I had to follow them then after everything, they asked us (the lookers) if we were interested and I said yes, that was how I join the Boy's Brigade Organisation which is a voluntary organisation created by Sir Williams Alexander Smith in Scotland Glasgow.

I joined the band and started from the bass drum, then move to snare drum for a while, one day we were invited to a church enrolment program and when the instrumentalist were rehearsing, I hid among them but the band major noticed and punished me publicly, I was embarrassed and I promised myself that before the following year, I will be a trumpeter so I can play with them. The training to be a trumpeter was really hard, I was punished a lot of time before I could get use to the key, we started with key C, then started learning solfege of simple songs like Mary has a little lamb, when we walk with the lord etc, then we had to start learning it off-hand, it was as if we were chewing the solfege like food because we can't carrying music piece all the time.

After 2 years I got my first personal Trumpet which was my new found love, started attending musical concert, more band training and at a time when I was in school, I join the undertakers work by playing the instrument for them, it was really a cool way of making money but you have to be rugged so they won't cheat you. It is really a cool thing to be an instrumentalist

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