Risk and Reward

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🛶The journey does not become an adventure until you leave yourself behind✈️

Marty Rubin

Risk and Reward
What is the biggest risk you have taken in life? Explain what it was and why you did it and what results occurred.

Greetings, community, today motivated to share my life experience, a story that has become millions of stories, millions of families fractured by an imminent human diaspora, but it is not my intention to delve into a political or immigration issue, but to show that in there are rewards in every risk, we must always move forward and seek the best possible way of life for the family.

The biggest risk I have taken in my life was to migrate, a decision I made for myself and my daughter, in the midst of the pandemic, meditate, I thought over and over again, I stayed up many nights thinking especially about my daughter and the consequences that this would bring to his life, in the midst of several moves, a divorce and my family, I took that risk of taking my daughter to embark on a journey that I was sure would change our lives.

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Making the decision to migrate is not easy, because my goal was to leave to rebuild my life, and not look back, it is not to forget what I have lived, but to be grateful, it is not to leave my family behind, it is to help them, not to forget my roots is to exalt them all every day, and that is why it becomes a life decision, it is to look for that future for me, to see it grow in safer spaces, in more consistent academic possibilities, in having a recreational possibility at hand, that I can travel to other countries , who speaks other languages, who seeks the meaning of his life from the possibility, and not from the lack.

Crossing the Orinoco River, taking two planes with my daughter has been an experience full of adrenaline, crossing one of the most dangerous borders, not knowing anyone, having a low budget, only carrying a small handbag, but my heart and A clear and happy mind was and will always be a huge risk, and I did it for her, for her to leave old memories behind, to overcome economic barriers, and to see her grow full of possibilities.

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A year and a half without seeing my family, but a year and a half of hope, of economic improvements, of living calmer, of having a decent living space full of possibilities, seeing my daughter happier, advancing in her studies with excellent grades, it adapts like I have never seen it, changes occurred and continue to occur, because nothing is static, we have had obstacles, but we have resolved it with greater maturity and gratitude, I left Venezuela because we no longer had anything, and now we have things, but the most important is that our security is stronger and we know that if we can move further and that together we will be fine as long as we work, study and are strong and grateful to life. Thank you for this initiative, you made my Sunday a different day. THANK YOU. Thank you Medellín for being our new home. This experience is written by me, they are pictures taken with my old Motorola G8 phone and used the Google translator

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