My Freya, The Best Dog In The world

Yeah I know, I know. Everyone thinks their dog, is the best dog in the world. And in their eyes they are, but honestly, mine is really the best. Like Really the best. Lol.

Freya came into my life when she was only a few days old. I was living in France at the time, parked up at a squat in the foothills of the pyrennes, when a guy arrived in his truck with two adults dogs and their two puppies.


It was love at first sight for me. Freya's mum was called Speed and her Dad was called Tequila. Yeah, I know, they are some names to give a dog, to give anything really. But they were both beautiful dogs. The dad was full Rottweiler and the mum was Rottweiler/ Labrador mix.


And Freya and her brother were so cute. I wish I had some photos to share of her as a puppy and you could see for yourself. But they are stored in a place I can't access right now. So instead I'm sharing photos of her from this year, whilst she is doing some of her favourite things. The one of her on her back, I took today.


She's coming close to 10 now, my Freya, the love junkie. She can feel the vibes from a far and she'll turn up, wanting to be a part of it all. Whenever I have a wee gathering or have taken her to a festival or a gathering at someone else's place, she is right there in the thick of it, lapping up all the attention she gets from everyone.


At one festival, she turned up at the end of a large ceremony, where everyone was holding hands in a circle. I had put her at the tent for a rest, but she found her way and made her way around to everyone.
Later that day, I over heard someone who recognised her from earlier and called her the bumble bee dog.


Freya is such a huge part of my life. She has been with me, through some of my hardest times. Always present, the weight of her head on my lap, so reassuring. I can really lean into her and hug her and she loves it. She also loves when I curl up next to her, down on the floor, on her mat.


I have felt so safe having her with me and the girls. She is protective of them and rightly so. Living alone as a solo mama, it's important to feel safe. She loves to sleep on the floor next to my bed and she snores. But I have gotten so used to it, that hearing it brings me a lot of comfort. I so very grateful for these amazing dog, that I feel so blessed to have in my life.



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