Come For A Walk With Me, And Let's See What You Will See

It's Saturday and after visiting a friend, I head to a day of fun at the local Waldorf School, where there is a fundraiser taking place.


None if my 4 girls go there, but friends of my youngest do and their friends parents are also friends of mine.


So I wanted to go and support them. The school itself, is in a beautiful location and it has been designed in a very creative and natural way.


I walk there with two of my daughters. It's really quite close to where we now live. And that particular walk, is a favourite of mine. I think you can see why, by the photos in this post.


On this walk, are some of the oldest Olive Trees in this area. They are simply magnificent. So humbling to be around.


Anytime I am amongst them, my imagination runs wild. They are the trees you find in fantasy books, where wild creatures live and where wonderful magic is conjured up.


Then we arrive at the school and are greeted by the wonderful sight of this treehouse. The fundraiser is to help pay for its construction.


There are also 3 yurts, which the kids use. You can just make them out, behind the food stall in the picture above.


I was really taken by the tree house though. I've always wanted to jive in a tree house. Imagine getting to sleep in the trees each night. This would make the most amazing bedroom.


There was some wonderful acoustic music as well. I really enjoyed lying on the grass and listening to the above group,that had some of the kids from the school join in.


And who doesn't love a bug hotel. This one was very impressive. Its so important that our children understand the importance of insects and learn to respect them instead of growing up fearing them.


There was also a few lovely little veggie beds dotted on the land, growing greens, herbs, peas and lots of calendula. It was a wonderful way to spend a Saturday afternoon.



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