Punishment is torn from heaven WEEK 199

Punishment is torn from heaven


Hello to everyone who visits my post today

Let me start by wishing you happy Easter (Catholics), as we know this weekend many of you celebrate Easter, but I still have to wait until the beginning of May when I celebrate Easter (I am Orthodox).

To answer this weekend's final writing assignment I have to dig through my memory and teleport back about 30 years.

Today I am 39 years old and I will have to go back to the communist and post-communist period (unfortunately Romania went through this period of communism too) to remember my childhood, my God, what times I lived through, and I don't even have to think about it too much because all the bad things I did when I was a child are flashing in my face.

I have to thank my parents for the good upbringing I received and I also have to thank them for the sacrifice they made so that I didn't miss anything, even though life wasn't so rosy at the time.

When I talk about my childhood it is clear that I did bad things and of course my parents also punished me for what I did wrong, now I have to admit that they didn't punish me very often, they had a special way of explaining to me the differences between right and wrong (as best they could).

I have to write some more details and here in that communist and post-communist period we had no access to technology (mobile phones, tablets, LED TVs, laptops, internet), we had no trace of supermarkets, but small shops with a few products, you have no idea what a shock I had when I stepped for the first time in a supermarket.

So when I was grounded at that time my parents couldn't forbid me to use the internet, mobile phone, tablet or laptop because I didn't even know they existed.

I know you may be wondering now, but how was my punishment?

All my life I lived in the country, I lived at home, exactly where I live today after 39 years.

I was lucky enough in my childhood to have some neighbors close to my age and with them I spent all day, I mean on the street, either playing football or playing all kinds of games, some of them we invented at the time.

In the picture above I was at school with my best friend (he was also my neighbour).

And here comes the answer to the last writing assignment, the biggest punishment I got from my parents was to ban me from going outside to play with my neighbors for a period of a few hours or days, wow, I remember when I was punished once I jumped the fence without telling my parents, you don't even want to know what I went through when I got caught.

Even though at the time I felt frustrated at being grounded, today I have my parents to thank for that because they managed to find a balance between education and free time.

I couldn't resist showing you a picture (taken with the first color film camera) I took of my grandfather plowing the farmland with his horse.

I apologize for the poor quality of the first photo, but it is exactly from my childhood, if you look carefully you will notice me in it, heh, back then we didn't have color cameras.


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