Bikes, casino, and the internet - how I finally got Web3

This weekend, we had a big plan, head to Petzen for some serious biking. There’s this awesome 10 km trail where you can ride all the way down the mountain. It’s one of my favorite spots, and it’s perfect for learning how to ride a bike. So, for my brother’s birthday, we decided to take him with us. Finally, we found a date when we were all free—everything was set! But then, on Friday, he called me and said, “Hey, sis, what if we cancel Petzen and find another date?”

I knew right then he had something else in mind. So, I asked him, “What’s up with our plan? 😊” Turns out, he discovered there was a blackjack tournament at the casino, and he really wanted to go. Not only that, he wanted my husband and me to join him! Since we didn’t have anything else planned, we thought, why not? Let’s go!


Now, I’m not a huge casino fan, but we go sometimes for fun. I’m more of a poker girl—it’s just more interesting. Slot machines? Nah, they just eat your money. But hey, I decided to take a chance, risk 20 euros, and play a bit. If I’m there, why not, right? I played for about half an hour, won back my 20 euros, and even made an extra 20 euros (unbelievable, I know!). So, I cashed out and called it a win.

Meanwhile, my brother and husband were deep into blackjack and roulette, with my brother’s girlfriend and I glued to their backs, watching the action. If I ever play roulette, there are only three numbers I’d bet on—nothing more. Anyway, we all ended up in the plus, so we decided it was time to head home.


As we were driving back, a thought popped into my head. A while ago, my husband tried explaining Web2 and Web3 to me, and I remember he compared Web2 to a casino because he was trying to keep it simple. I’m not really into tech stuff, but he always wants me to know the basics. He explained to me one more time, and now, I can proudly say I finally got it!

So, for anyone out there like me who just wants a simple explanation, here’s how he broke it down for me:

He said, “You know what Web2 reminds me of? A casino. Hear me out.” (I knew he was onto something because I vaguely remembered this casino comparison.)

Web2 - the casino vibe
In a casino, “the house” runs the show. They set the rules, control the games, and let’s be real—they’re the ones who always win in the end. That’s pretty much like Web2—big companies control the platforms, make the rules, and rake in the cash from our data. We get to play, sure, but they’ve always got the upper hand.

And just like in a casino, where you don’t always know the odds or how things really work behind the scenes, Web2 isn’t exactly transparent about how our data is used or how those algorithms decide what pops up on our feeds.

Web3 - the anti-casino
Now, Web3 is trying to flip the script. Instead of the house calling all the shots, it’s more like a cooperative where everyone has a say. We’re not just playing by someone else’s rules—we’re helping make the rules and sharing in the benefits. It’s not fully here yet, but the idea is to make the internet less like a casino and more like a fair game where everyone wins (or at least has a fighting chance).

So yeah, I finally understand this! My weekend was not only fun but also surprisingly educational. Who knew a trip to the casino could teach me about the future of the internet?


"The art challenges the technology, and the technology inspires the art." - John Lasseter

With love, @tinabrezpike ❤️

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