My Yes and No List. [WE 146]

This is an interesting topic to write about. Huge accolades to @galenkp for simplifying our work every weekend. I’m not sure about the deadline, but if it’s not too late, you can also find other interesting topics in this weekend’s engagement here

Without further i do, lets get straight to my yes and no lists:

Learning a new skill

Learning a new skill is definitely the first thing I would say yes to. In this era of competition where the job market is completely saturated, acquiring a new skill is a very positive thing to leverage on. Acquiring a new skill that is relevant to my discipline will definitely maximize my chances of getting a raise or even getting employed in a better firm. Or even much better starting a side hustle that’ll earn me additional income to improve my livelihood.
On the other hand, learning a new skill at this point in my life is going to be a very difficult thing to do, considering my work schedule and the fact that I’m still also in school. It’s very possible, but the chances are slim.

Hitting the gym

Hitting the gym and getting into a good shape would be a very positive thing for me. Apart from improving my fitness and health, hitting the gym would also do a lot on my confidence and stamina. I’ve planned several times to register for a gym session but I think I have to work on my procrastination habits first before I can actually get any good results with the gym. Gym requires hard work and consistency, two things I’m currently struggling to achieve.


Love is one of the most beautiful things in this world. I wouldn’t hesitate a second to embrace true love. Having someone to genuinely love and care for is a great purpose to live for, and having someone who reciprocates this energy is even a much more fulfilling purpose of life. Genuine love is difficult to find these days. The streets are cold and people are not ready for the responsibilities of love. Nevertheless, I believe love is worth searching for and I’m still on the road, looking.


One of my goals in life is to travel and explore the world. The world has so many beautiful things to offer. The world is beautiful and it’s worth seeing. Movies and social media have given us a glimpse of what is at the other sides of the world but nothing can be more satisfying than traveling and seeing all these beautiful wonders for yourself. I have a couple of favorite countries that I plan to visit, if I don’t die young. The only reason I’m not yet a nomad is because of the expenses. I’m fully aware of the expenses of traveling and I’m working my butt off to be able to afford traveling in the future.


I’ll embrace peace in all forms. Peace of mind, a peaceful home, a peaceful relationship, a peaceful workplace and anything that will keep me away from stress. There’s so much that I want to achieve and I believe peace would be a major catalyst that I would not compromise in any way. I would like to believe that I’m at peace with myself and almost everything around me, and I’m grateful to God for that.


I don’t see the point in doing drugs. I don’t see any reason why a person would want to take a drug that’ll kinda make you slow or sleep or whatever. I’ve never been into any form of illegal narcotics and I don’t see myself getting involved. It’s a complete no no for me.


I think the only barrier between me and the best version of myself is procrastination. I have a big problem with deadlines. Even if I have a year to complete a task, I’ll always end up doing it the night before the deadline. Procrastination is a big treat to my productivity and I’ll do whatever it takes to stay away from it.


This may seem silly or irresponsible in a way, but I actually mean it. I would say no to marriage for now. I believe in a philosophy that if it must be done, then it must be done appropriately. I don’t yet know what to do in a marriage. I feel like it’s one of the biggest and most difficult responsibilities of life and I can’t just rush into it. I would rather wait. I don’t really know what I’m lacking, I just feel not ready at the moment.


Anything that’ll make me not able to afford the things I want is a big no. Being broke can be one of the worst things to happen to me at this moment of my life. Being broke will bring me down to my lowest. I’ll love to stay very far away from poverty for as long as I continue to breathe. That’s the reason I’ll never get tired of working for a better life.


Whether I get to choose or not, death is something I would say a big no to. Not today, not now! Even though death is unequivocally inevitable, I just have a feeling that it’s not time yet. Dying would be the most boring thing to do right now. The world is getting interesting everyday and I don’t want to leave right now. So please, not today!

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