Weekend Engagement Topic: Recognition

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Weekend engagement

Although I really don't have any issues creating content since we left for Spain, I have more than enough to cover content weeks ahead to be completely honest, but sometimes one would like to get input about a different topic to write about, and that's how I felt today. Therefore I checked the weekend engagement community just now and found a freshly posted blog with a few prompts to choose from.

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My prompt of choice

Private or public recognition
On the occasions you help others, or do positive things for them, do you like or expect public recognition or do you prefer private thanks or gratitude. Explain why in either case and give an example.

Why this one? Well, I think helping should not be done because of the reward or recognition that comes from it but because you wanted to help without having expectations.

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Willingness to help

I've always been someone willing to help others and I don't expect to get recognition for it honestly. I don't even think about that when I'm helping someone with something, helping someone comes from the heart, not from a place where I think the other one should do something back for me in return. If you are expecting something back for your help, I think it's not genuinely helping because you should make that clear to the other person so they can make up their own mind if they even want your help on your terms. If you aren't clear about them to it, it will most likely end up in a huge miscommunication or worse, a fight about this in the future. Some emotions will keep brewing as you feel you should get something in return for the help while the other person thought you helped them without expectations. This is a recipe for disaster IMO.

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No need for public gratitude

I thought about this part of the question and wondered what would be a situation where someone would love to find public recognition? I'm certainly not the person that wants to be the center of attention, so personally, I can't think of a situation where I would have liked public recognition for something. I think that when you are seeking public recognition, you are mostly "helping" for the feeling it gives you rather than the good thing you're doing for the other person. I think it's safe to say that you're just looking for a way to grow your ego even, but that may be a bit too much to state in some cases as clearly, I can now overlook situations where people would seek this simply because I'm not that person.

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Kindness comes from within

I have often done small random acts of kindness out of the blue just because I felt like doing them at that exact moment. I truly believe that just a smile, even without any words says a thousand times more than words. Of course even without expecting something in return, helping someone will give you a good feeling inside, but that's totally different than expecting to be thanked in public. It will be interesting to see if others agree on this matter, and I will make sure to read some other entries this weekend.

After all, we're all unique and have our own thoughts and opinions, which is fine, this was mine at least.

Thanks for reading and I hope you have a lovely weekend!

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