Reseller Finds: Memorial Day Weekend Garage Sale Finds

Weekend Experiences seemed like a fitting community for this post. Hopefully the Weekend Experiences Community will feel that way also.

This is how I spend my weekends though. I'm a reseller on eBay and starting to expand into other venues. On the weekend, I spend my mornings going through garage and estate sales looking for good items that are undervalued that I can resell for a profit.

Winding down Memorial Day weekend and going through some garage sale finds from over the weekend. I only went to a few garage sales and found some really great stuff. I wont post all the stuff I bought, because I bought a lot. This summer I'm really trying to focus on building inventory. I will be posting more about reselling though, and I'll try to post weekly on the topic.

So I found the usual array of used clothing, and various collectibles. I hit a few garage sales on Friday, a local block sale on Saturday, then Sunday morning while going to the store to get chili sauce for our yearly Memorial Day barbecue I decided to stop at one I just happened to be passing by on the way to the store. (Those unexpected stops always turn out to be the best ones, don't they?) If you know, you know 🤣

I'll share my most exciting find. I've been wanting a locking top box or tail box for the luggage rack on my motorcycle. The boxes in the stores range $100 and I've seen them up to $500. Tough boxes from tool stores usually range $50 and up. I figured sooner or later I'd come across a tough box at a garage sale and do a DIY Tail Box for the motorcycle.

Perfect Tail Box, Can't Wait To Start This.

LOW AND BEHOLD... I found a tough box, with keys, filled with.... Drum roll please....

Matchbox, Hot Wheels and Maisto cars... FOR ONLY $3

Just Wow! Can't believe my luck.

I didn't dicker or haggle, I just looked at the guy, "Is that $3 for the entire box of cars with the box?"

"Yes it is." Came the quick reply.

"SOLD" I exclaimed and slid it off to the side trying to hide my grin.

I mean seriously, this is a lot of cars, and I really needed one of these boxes. I can probably find one or two cars with a decent resell value and pay for it all.

I spent the day going through the cars. There were a couple I found valued above $5. I'll probably sell 1 or 2 of the valuable ones just to pay for the lot then keep the rest for my collection. As a matter of fact, I found 20 of them with bent axles and will probably sell those as "parts" and that alone should pay for the entire lot.

Over 50 decent cars in collectible condition.

So I got :

20 With bent axles
About 15 generic cars without names made in China
10 pylon cone accessories
4 Cars with a potential value over $5 in good resellable shape.
10 Monster Trucks
51 cars that a in decent collectible shape I'll add to my collection

The box alone was worth the price of admission. On top of that, I even found the keys in the box.


That's really how I spend most weekends these days. Friday, Saturday, and Sunday's are for garage sales and finding resell items. Being most of the shopping is done on the weekend, it's one of the reasons I didn't start this business 20 years ago. Back then, I couldn't imagine getting up at 7 AM to go garage saling after a long night out at the clubs.... I know, priorities right 🤣

Now that I'm older, I have more time for this stuff. Believe it or not, it's actually quite fun. You find a lot of unique and interesting stuff. My apartment has never looked better.

I'll start posting at least 1 reseller find a week because I always end up finding one item I get super excited about that I end up keeping for myself.

For those that are interested, I'll do an update on how I make out with reselling the cars. I'll also be doing a 3Speak soon on a DIY tail box for the motorcycle. That's going to be another weekend project. That's what I do on the weekends, shop for resell items, then spend of the rest of the day puttering around with the motorcycles in the garage.

I'm really stoked about this top box project for the motorcycle. I've been wanting do it for some time now. I couldn't believe my luck when I found this lot of cars in exactly the type of lock box I needed for my project.

I'll research this over the week and hopefully, I'll be able to build this thing next weekend. Until then, cheers! Hope you all had a wonderful weekend too!

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