Weekend-Engagement Week #210: Being One of the Boys... xD

I've always been the tomboy type ever since I was young. I grew up with mostly male cousins, so I was very used to playing cars, toy guns, makeshift swords, and so on. My parents and aunts bought me dolls... even a doll house which has a living room and bedroom set, but I honestly didn't know how to enjoy playing them. They were mostly for decoration.


That's me playing basketball with my cousins and father..


Look at how I sit and pose despite wearing a dress for a school event...

Despite being able to play basketball and all these other fun stuff that my male cousins do, I had some limitations and curfew. Why??? Because I'm a girl. I honestly hated that. I wanted to stay out longer to play with them and also go to the basketball court farther from our house.

I remember this one time, my mom was away for work (she used to work in the real estate industry back then and they had to show some clients around), so I snuck out with my male cousin on his bicycle. We went to the basketball court behind the fence which was just less than a kilometer from our place. My uncle and his friends were there, too. We like it there because they have a full court, but I was forbidden to go.

Unknowingly, my mom was already at home because her schedule was canceled, so she followed me there and got really angry at me. I was grounded for a week. T_T Whyyyy? I thought back then, maybe if I had been a boy, then she wouldn't have been as strict and angry at me.


I found these old photos of mine from one of my social media accounts. HAHAHAHA

The situation was the same even in my teenage years until now. I met my male bestie in high school and the reason why we became close was anime and online games. Majority of my university friends were males, too... mostly because of anime and manga-related stuff. I do have a female bestie who's on the same wavelength as me when it comes to hobbies and interests... except, I don't fancy K-drama and she's not into baseball. As for my male friends from work, they call me "brad" which is short for "brader --> brother" because I could relate to male talks and they feel that I was one of them. haha

It might be a stereotype, but when I'm with a group of female friends, the topic is almost always love, boys, and other girl talk topics... but with my male friends, we talk about games, hobbies, sports and sometimes crazy talks. haha

I think my life would have been more fun and free if I were a boy. But then again, I think I'm only thinking about this because I'm not and I don't know what it's actually like to be one. Maybe, if I were a boy, I'd also want to be a girl? hahahah I don't know.

I'm contended of who I am...
Though I'm biologically female, I am myself. :)

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