An unforgettable night

On this Faithful day, I've been home alone since morning, watching movies and playing games. But despite doing those, I was still bored.


So I decided to go out and see what it looks like outside.

It was 7:00pm in the evening. It wasn't completely dark yet.

I took my bicycle and began my journey. I had no exact place I was going, but I knew I was gonna have fun.

After riding for about 10 minutes, I saw a gathering where they were doing Rap battle. I stopped by to watch them compete for the best rapper.

There was a guy called Damo among the eight 8 rap contestants. I knew him back in secondary school. I've known Damo to be a great rapper, back then in school when he'll start rapping with any word that was given to him. As I saw him, I started shouting, Go Damo! Go Damo! Go Damo!

While I was still hailing Damo, a guy came to challenge me and said, "Damo ain't gonna win, Grey is gonna win"

I said I don't know Grey, but I know Damo is gonna win. Then he proposed a bet, I agreed to it because I had confidence in Damo. Then we both placed a bet of 2,000 naira which we gave to Linda ( a popular girl at Hamak bar).

The rap battle began. Both Damo and Grey did so well, that they made it out of the first round.

Now we have 4 contestants left including Damo and Grey. Luckily they weren't matched together in the semi- finals.

They semi-finals took long before they could finally pick the two finalists. At this time I'm saying, the time was already 8:15pm. It's dark already, but they've put on the Street lights, so it looked like time hasn't gone at all. The round has ended, now it's time to choose the two finalists. The crowd was cheering and shouting. Only two names were being hailed from the crowd. Some were hailing Damo!! And some hailing Grey!!!.

After several discussion among the judges. They announced that Damo and Grey are into the final. Both myself and the guy that took bet with me looked ourselves in the faces, I smiled, but the look on the guy's face is very scary.

We are going into the final battle, let's relax, sit down and sip our tea 'Said the coordinator.'

The final round began. The two contestants were at their best, they both dragged each other. After 45 minutes of the rap battle, the contest ended. Now is the time we've been longing for. Who is our winner? We all waited for the judges as they were contemplating on who the winner was. The judges then came to a conclusion. And the winner is Damooooooo!!! I was so happy, the crowd began to hail Damo! Damo!! Damo!!!.

Immediately I went to the guy and Linda to collect my money. Linda handed my 4,000naira over to me right before the guy.

The time is past 9, it's time to go back home. I took my bicycle and started riding back home. I was two streets away from home. My big brother would have been back from work already, because he closes by 9:00pm, and it was 9:20pm already. Suddenly I just saw three boys coming out of nowhere to double cross me. I was afraid and I fell off the bicycle. I looked into their faces and realized the guy that had a bet with me was among them. He asked me, where is my money? I replied and said the money isn't his anymore, that I won it already. Then he brought out a knife and was approaching to stab me.

I was about to hand over the money to him, when we heard the siren of the cops coming. He withdrew and kept the knife back into his pocket. The cops asked us what was going on. I immediately explained what happened to them. Before I finished my explanation, the guys have vanished. The cops told me to take my bicycle and ride home safe. That night, I rode as fast as I could ever imagine. I got home, and ran inside. I met my big brother in the dining table eating. He asked me where I was coming from. I told him I went for a stroll ( I couldn't tell him the whole experience).

I didn't eat that night, I went to my room, switched off the lights and dozed off.

That night is an unforgettable night.

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