If I was a Girl ... Weekend Engagement Week 210


Hello everyone this is my entry for the #Weekend-Engagement.
I come from a family of seven, I have a brother and three sisters. In a Nigerian home women are known to be in charge of the kitchen, the mothers and her female children would be the one to prepare the daily meals. Being of masculine gender is quite frustrating in the essence that the menincluding the father and his Male children are prohibited taking part in anything related to the kitchen except they are told to do so. Giving the females in charge if the kitchen therefore the males cannot take food in the kitchen except they are given the permission to , which rarely happens. The same the happens in my home, it quite frustrating and annoying sometimes, that's why sometimes I feel I was of a feminine gender. So I can be free to take food from the put . Well I love food so much ,so that's why I see it as a problem. I am sure if I was given the opportunity to always take food from the pot the food stuffs would finish faster than they do.
I envy the feminine gender in respect of them being in charge of the kitchen. I wish I was a girl in that sense but thank God I am a good cook. I also love making good meals for myself. I cook sometimes for my family. I could cook any type of food at all so that consoles me for the fact I can'go to the pot to take food. I hope you all enjoyed reading.



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