It is 12:12 AM, and I want to wish everyone on Hive a very Happy New Year!!

Dream Big!! Is going to be my motto in 2022.

I have spent too long putting essential things, to me, on hold. It is time. When I think the words: Should I? I DO!

If your dreams do not hurt anyone or the planet, you SHOULD do your best to follow where they lead. You will find out if your dream is worth pursuing or, more importantly, you will find that you had rose-colored glasses on when looking at what you think you wanted.

I am putting this post on the Blockchain Hive. In forty-five days, I tend to forget the wisdom I tell myself. I can see this post and remember the feeling I had writing it.

Our dreams are not silly, nor should they be pushed aside for later. It doesn't matter the age you are. There is never a wrong time to start anything.

Use January as your planning month. Write down what is most important to you. YOUR DREAMS. Write it all down—every single one. Turn over the paper you wrote them on and walk away.

Over the next two days, add or subtract from your list of dreams. Turn the paper over and walk away.

The second week of January, put aside an hour in your day to go over your list of dreams. Put your dreams into three categories: short-term, Medium, and long-term dreams. Place your dreams in order of importance. Walk away for a few days to think over and change the order and what dreams are on the list.

In the third week of January, take an hour of your week to break down your most important short-term dreams. Write out, step by step, how you can achieve your top short-term dream. Plug those steps into your calendar. Do not make the mistake of cramming too many steps in your weeks. You have to be realistic.

Most people's lives are hectic. Trying to stuff eight new steps into your week is just going to overwhelm you and maybe give up. Not this year!! No giving up on dreams!

Using the steps above, go over your medium and long-term dreams in the same way. Remember, we are not Superman, and WonderWomen all rolled into one.

A short-term dream can take a year to finish, which is okay. The other option is your short-term dream never comes true. Be realistic in your pursuit of the dreams that mean most to you.

My plan above is to make my dreams start coming true. I am sure this information is somewhere else on the internet, or I just took bits and pieces of what I have been reading/watching and made it fit my life. It doesn't matter how I came up with my plan. What matters is if it works for me and my life.

I get overwhelmed easily now. It drives me a tad batty, but I now have to work with it. If I keep thinking I will return to who I was, I will never move forward. It is time for me to put myself first and make time for my dreams once a week. I do not think this is asking too much.

I am also sharing this information with you. If it helps you think logically about pursuing your dreams, it was worth writing this post and more.

Let us all sleep in and enjoy the first (second) of January with less stress! Now That is the biggest dream of all!

I made this post for the community called The Weekend.
You can find the weekend challenge here: WE82 post topics: Past and future. I chose Option #5

I had no idea what to write for this post until 12:12 AM, January 1, 2022. I can live with that!

Help someone smile today. It can not hurt you.


All photos are mine unless otherwise stated.

Gif made by @Snook

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