Here I am turning 28 last month and I still don't have a SO (significant other) meanwhile my younger brother and many others have had plenty of girlfriends or even married now. I believe my parents getting divorced and getting bullied in the past at school when I was younger has played a role in making me a bit socially awkward and having trust issues. I don't want that to seem like an excuse though. I have already overcame my past but I still do need some improvement on my real life social skills. I already feel I'm pretty good socializing online since I have way more online friends than real life.

I genuinely believe there is such a thing as a soulmate at least based on my views. I say based on my views because some people choose to be alone because they are asexual, narcissist etc. Anyways, I believe a soulmate is the one that a person is destined to be with; this is the person that will be the one that a person will spend their life with. Ideally, they will get married and live a happy life together. In Chinese we will say, see if there's yuan fen 緣份. If you translate it to English it means letting fate bring the two people together. I don't have anybody know so I just have wait for yuan fen.

I believe every long lasting marriage/relationship is proof that a soulmate does exist. There are some people that are lucky and end up finding their soulmate as early as their childhood or maybe a high school sweetheart. Some people have to experience being with the wrong person/people to finally be with the right person. For example, my mom got divorced and now she's finally found my stepdad and she's super happy now.

As for my soulmate, of course I want one. Life is short and having someone that can be there to grow with me, push me and spend life together with me would make that short life more memorable and enjoyable. This is just my opinion though. I will end this post with a throwback to the time I went to an escape room with my cousin! We are both single and I will just post this and use this picture to see how long it'll take for two girls to be in a new picture! How long do you think it will take?


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