My favourite thing about myself is...

that I am someone that is likeable. Before coming to this conclusion, I actually had to think about it over a few hours. A simple statement like this was surprisingly hard for me to fill in because I was indecisive on which part of myself I liked the most.

I guess I should start with answering why I feel this is the favorite thing about myself. I'm someone that is kind and genuine and I feel that people can get along with me well because of this. Being likeable has definitely helped me out throughout life. For example, being likeable, I've been able to make good friends and I have no enemies as far as I'm aware. I've been able to do well on Hive by connecting and engaging with others genuinely.

I think being likeable is something that I slowly got better at these past years when I moved back to Malaysia. My dad always told me that it's good to be a likeable person. You don't want to make enemies. He always told me to be kind and genuine to others. In the end, it will come back and pay off in ways that I wouldn't expect. I may have not completely understood it at the beginning but throughout the years I have been able to see how he interacted with others and how people genuinely liked him because he just came off as a kind and happy person hence his nickname Happy Sam.

That's all for me for this weekend engagement; sorry that it was a bit short. The beginning of March hasn't started great for me. I've been sick the past few days which is not normal since I don't get sick often. I've left a photo of the stuff I'm taking to help with my cough. One is a traditional Chinese medicine and the other one is what the doctor will usually give. They are both in liquid form and they both taste horrible to the point where I actually bought M&Ms to wash the taste. Anyways, I hope you guys have a great weekend and don't get sick like me!



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