Looking Back

I was class of 2014. It's already been ten years since I graduated high school. I guess it's a good time to look back and reflect my high school years.

My high school times were not really my best memories. I was an introvert in high school and I didn't have that many friends. Despite this, people kind of knew me because I was that nerdy looking socially awkward Asian kid. I wore glasses and I didn't have the best sense of fashion. I just wore whatever clothes my mom bought for me.

I didn't join any clubs in high school but I did play sports. I played tennis for the varsity team for all four years. I played soccer for one year and I did cross-country for one year as well. I think sports was the aspect I enjoyed most in high school.

I didn't really like studying even though I did well my first two years. Unfortunately, I went emo because of a girl and with a slight addiction to gaming. My grades just weren't as good anymore compared to my firs two years. I went from a mostly A student to an A, B and C student. I lost motivation to do well in my studies that time and there were times where I just felt depressed and lacked a sense of purpose. I think there are many people in high school that go through this phase at some point.

I was a good student though. I never got any demerits and I never skipped class. I did skip going to prom and senior ball which were like the two big dances. I also skipped my graduation because I wasn't really interested in taking the pictures and stuff. Now that I look back, it might've been a good idea to go because it would've been a perfect photo to have for this post. Jokes aside, high school is not a time I want to go back to but I'm glad I went through all the different experiences that made me become who I am today so I don't have any regrets.

I did go to Sober Grad night though because my friend told me to just go and I still have this blanket from that night (for those that don't know sober grad night is like a supervised celebration party for those that graduated)

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