Choosing the Circle Over the Pyramid


Today, I watched The Fall Guy with my cousin. It was not a great movie but it wasn't bad either. I would give it a 7/10. On a side note, I actually have an event happening tomorrow and for this event, I'm in charge of registration and slides! I know what I wrote may seem random but it comes all together. In this post, I will go over why I prioritize relationships over career.

I genuinely believe relationships are more important than my career. This is one of the reasons why I hung out with my cousin today and why I try to stay in touch with friends by meeting each other for food or for an activity every now and then. I try my best to attend any family dinners as well. Honestly, it's a bit harder for me when family is farther apart like my mom who is across the world but I do message my mom every now so we can stay up to date with each other.


This was a zoom call I had a few days ago for planning for the event. I've been doing a part time job helping with administrative tasks for BNC (Business Networking Club). I've seen the power of networking and having business relationships. It really opens doors and it's good to be able to collaborate for both parties to have a win-win situation. Being in BNC, made me see how powerful it is to keep good people around oneself. The application of the relationship can go beyond the business world. I refer to relationships as the circle. The circle are the friends and family that are around me to support me, push me, advise me etc.

As for career, it's always changing and uncertain. I refer to career as a pyramid because most people start at the bottom of a pyramid and they work their way up the pyramid or aka corporate ladder. Of course, not all companies are like this but I'm just speaking in a general sense. There are people that focus on this pyramid and try to work their way up but they didn't leave any time for the relationships. Once these people reached the top, they find themselves lonely. They have the status, money etc but at the cost of solid, genuine relationships whether it be friends, lover and family. I wouldn't say everybody but I feel it does happen a lot for the career oriented workaholics.

So for me, I will always choose the circle over the pyramid. What about you?

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