Everything that lives dies or so I thought. I actually had to google this but apparently there's a special jellyfish that can revert to an earlier stage of their life cycle so this is probably the only living thing that could live forever provided it doesn't get eaten by a predator. I know that was kind of random but this leads up to the question of whether I would choose to be immortal if I could. This would mean I would live forever and never die. I would have to watch everyone else in my life die. I feel most people would choose not to but honestly, I would love to have the chance to be immortal.

If I was immortal, I wouldn't have to worry about time. I would able to experience everything and try everything in life at my own pace. There's a lot of food I haven't tried, places I haven't visited and there's many things I could still learn. I don't think one normal lifetime would be enough to experience everything. On top of that, it would be cool to be able to live on and see the future. I would want to see the flying cars as main transportation or even teleportation.

Playing the devils advocate, many would argue it would be too lonely and sad losing family and friends. This is definitely a possibility as humans are social creatures. For me, I think I would be able to get over it and move on after some time. I would probably not socialize that much offline as I would just be sad if I got close to anybody. I think I would just have online friends and be ok with having new ones every generation.

My only concern being immortal would be about whether or not I would be able to live in peace. Would people try to hunt me down and experiment on me because they knew I wouldn't die. Would it be too troublesome to keep getting new fake IDs and how would I travel with these fake IDs if my data isn't in the database etc.

There's definitely pros and cons of being immortal. I think I would be able to accept the cons but who knows things are always different after having the actual experience. What about you? Would you want to be an immortal?

My phone broke somehow so I'm going to take it to repair tomorrow. Sadly, my phone is not immortal :(.
For those curious about the title, 1314 means for a lifetime in Chinese. it's a bit of play on words because of the sound

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