I would like to understand the Human mind and behavior || Weekend engagement #169

I would like to understand the Human mind and behavior

Greetings Hive friends and dear weekend experience community✨


Being present at the weekend engagement has become a regular thing for me, so for another week I didn't hesitate to go through the themes and choose one of them. This week I like the theme related to what things would I like to understand better? So I thought of Understanding the human mind and behavior.

Why Human Mind and Behavior?

To explain how I came to this conclusion, I would like to refer to how these words have long been present in my life.

At the time of choosing the university career I wanted to study I was clear about one thing, my curiosity to understand the human mind and behavior and the intention that through that understanding, I could help people going through difficult situations in life.

So that motivated me to study psychology, and I did believe that I would have all the answers I hoped to know.


Thus began my journey in search of answers and in search of being able to help. In the first semesters I felt that I was not understanding anything, my expectations were high and what was explained to me in class was not close to how I thought things were.

The more things I knew, the more doubts I had. It was a kind of spiral that seemed to have no end.

All this happened because I believed that there was a way to understand human behavior and the human mind, but no, psychology has several approaches, where each one exposes their positions on the mind and human behavior, each one even contradicts the other. So, there was not a straight way to understand, but many ways with different ramifications.

From so much listening to the different schools, one ends up leaning more towards one than the others. I like Gestalt psychology, it is where I feel I can better understand my initial question, although I do not discard the other approaches because they all provide valuable information.


All this makes understanding the mind and human behavior becomes subjective, because neurologically one can understand mental processes. However, life history, motivation, hope, aspects of this type are so unique and subjective to each person that just knowing how they function neurologically is not enough.

Even though I have more answers than when I started, I still feel this emptiness that I have a long way to go.

How could I achieve that understanding?

The reality is that I do not believe that there is an absolute truth about these issues, so to understand it as far as I can, I think I have several ways that complement each other:

▫️ Finishing college.

▫️Leyendo, researching, knowing and understanding the positions of so many people who have dedicated their lives to this question.

▫️ Completing a postgraduate degree in Gestalt and Clinical Psychology.

▫️ Doing internships in clinical psychology and practicing my career after graduating, to put into practice my knowledge about these and to fulfill part of my initial objective, which was to help other people.

▫️Siendo human, feeling, thinking, hypothesizing situations, living, understanding myself as a first step, validating my emotions.

▫️ Being empathic, understanding how others feel.

Although I will never be certain that I fully understand the human mind and behavior, because of its subjective and unpredictable nature, I am happy knowing that in my reality my curiosity is always wanting to know more about these interesting topics.



Weekend engagement #169. Topic proposed by @galenkp What things would you like to understand better? List one or two things and explain why and how you might achieve that understanding.


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