Fun Sunday Walk with Mother ft. Cheese Burger

Last week, Mama asked me to come with her to go get the money that my sister sent to her into one of the Remittance Center here in our place. To be honest I am too lazy to do that but then she convinced me by bribing me saying she will treat me with my Favorite Footlong Sandwich. And who I am to say no? I mean it is my favorite, lol.


So yeah, she was able to convince me. But to be honest it is not just that food that convince me to go with her because I also thought that why not go and take some photos on the way. It's like hitting 2 birds with one stone, lol. I get a topic for this week and at the same time I have a free food. I'm awesome right? Teheee ⁽⁽ଘ( ˊᵕˋ )ଓ⁾⁾


There it is, we went there at 3:28 PM and thanks heaven because it is not that hot. As you can see the weather is a bit gloomy which I like when having a short walk. Because as you all know I hate umbrella, hehe.


I actually thought of bringing my umbrella because as you can see hehehe the sky is looking so dark and that it is an indication of incoming rain but then I also thought who cares. Then I'll just fo get wet myself and enjoy it. Lol.


And we just continue our walk while Mom is walking quietly, I on the other hand is clinging to my Mother arms because I am actually taking pictures on the sidewalk just along the highway, lol. I might get hit by a car so I just want to be safu.

I been seeing this food truck for a while now and I am so curious about their food that they are selling. But even if I want to I can't because I didn't bring any money with myself, lol. I just want to save myself from spending too much. So even if they look so delicious I can't do anything just to satisfy my wants, lol. Ahh what a waste. I just took a last glance on the food truck with a promise that one day I will go back there and try their foods. That's a promise yes!


But then another shop caught my attention and seriously, I feel like heaven is testing me if I will give up the "saving" thingy and just go spend money. If I want I can still do that I just have to borrow some to my Mother and pay for it once we get home. The temptation is just sooooo (╥﹏╥). But then I held on and we successfully bid farewell to that Tea Tea Milk Tea Bar. Oh sayonara Tea Tea Milk Tea Bar ಥ_ಥ. Till we meet again!


Good thing I saw this 2 cutie on our way that I forgot the devastation I felt because I skip the 2 food shop we saw, aigoo. These two are wagging their tail to us. And look at that whitey, seems like he is smiling to us widely. I tried to call them using any name I came up but I just received a loud bark from them. I guess they don't like being called "Chuchu" (⊃。•́‿•̀。)⊃. But even so, I still continue calling them because I find them cute. And yep, I don't know what they're saying but I guess it is a self explanatory already like "hello hooman, but we're not Chuchu! We have names!!" Something like that, lol.


And here's plant that completely remove my hunger, lol. Just kidding. I don't have any ideas about the name isn't it beautiful?


As for this one, I know this but I also don't know the name. We have this kind of plant before. But it was destroyed by my Mom's pet. You know dogs, sometimes they are cute but oftentimes they are a destroyer, lol.


But anyways, we're done with what we have to do so we're on our way home na.


And then I saw this huge building and can you see that little banner with HEIDEM'S Samgyupsal House. I mean, I didn'g know we have that in our place. And it is just close here in our house. The truth is, I haven't gone into any Samgyupsal House ever since they started to boom even in the Philippines. But now that I saw this, I think it's not bad to try it too sometimes. I'll try it soon.


And, Ohoooo. I missed my Elementary Days hehehehe. This is where I attend my primary school. It's full of fun and excitement and I can't help but to reminisce all of it.


This is where I slide with my friends. I still have a lot of friend that time. I don't know what happened now. But well, it's actually my fault. I am pushing them away so yeah. But it's okay, I'm okay.

When I thought we are already done with the task and I can finally taste my favorite Footlong Sandwich but then Mama asked to go to the Grocery Store here because she has to buy something. I just go with the flow because I also want to get inside to have a little air.


And while she's looking for the thing she have to buy, here I am enjoying the AC, lol. Sorry if I scared you, lol. I am just enjoying it because that time I really feel hot from walking.


And once done, Mom brought the thing she picked on thr counter which is 5 canned sardines and noodles. And after paying in the counter, I pull her excitedly outside because I really really want that Footlong Sandwich she promised to me.


I am so excited because I really missed eating it but imagine the disappointment I felt when they told it was sold out already. Someone bought just a minute before we arrive. I want to feel annoyed but then we still have other choices. And because I am already hungry we just decided to go with cheesy burger which cost 49php or $0.86 buy 1 take 1.


Not bad, I put a hot sauce on it and I love it more because of it. Who love a hot sauce on their burgers or sandwiches? Even on Pizza, hehe. I am thankful to my mother because it makes make me full and the short walk is so worth it.


But not just because of this food okay that it become worth it. It is also because I get to enjoy our little walk even for a short time. To someone like me who's really not fond in going outside with friends. This is one of the rare times that I feel genuinely happy.

And this is where our little adventure with end. Till next time again!



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