Let's Get Naked On a Desert Island Together - No Not You!

Let's get nakkkkkked, baby!

Only @galenkp would set a prompt like this. Between that and talking about why I'd change my name to Mistress Fungilicious, I thought this imaginary clothes free weekend would draw out the word count a little.

I'm no stranger to public nudity. Growing up beside an Australian beach, I was happy to have my boobs out most times, and had quite the reputation for it, mainly as you couldn't really miss them, even standing on a cliff a few kilometres away. I was just never particularly self conscious and a big part of me believed even if I was I should fight against it. It didn't seem fair to me that men could go topless and woman couldn't, or if they did everyone made a big deal of it when all naked bodies are the same, y'all - naked. And beautiful.

And I've been to totally nude parties, which are tremendous fun, unless cops bust in and shoot you because you brandish a toy weapon, as what happened to this couple - I mean, how embarrassing. A case of 'is that a gun in your pocket or are you just pleased to - oh wait you aren't wearing pockets - shit - shoot!'.

At this point I feel as if I should include a naked photo. Here's one. I've never minded my knees.


Actually, now I'm getting old and things are not - holding up as well as they should, I suppose - I couldn't think of anything worse than being naked in public. I barely like being naked with my husband anymore, although we do have a shower together every morning.

But - naked on a desert island with three people? That's easy - my darling man, of course, because I always have loved seeing his coconuts, and my bestie and her hubs, because I have seen them all naked so many times that it'd be like 'whatever, dude, pass me the banana - no not that banana'. We've all skinny dipped in many oceans together stark naked, and so any self consciouness of dangling bits in the wrong places, boobs refusing to resist gravity and a middle that's doing wierd things despite sit ups, kale and probiotics, just doesn't exist.

But I'd only do it if there was surf, because naked surfing and ocean on your bits is just bliss, and would strike me as absolutely hilarious.

Now, where can I book a flight?

With Love,


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