Weekend Engagement - Living In The Present


If you could choose an ideal age to be and remain that age forever what is it and why?

I am currently in my late 30s, and if I could choose an ideal age to remain in that age forever, it would be my present age.

Maybe I can easily contented. Maybe I don't know what the future will bring. So across three decades of my life, this has gotten to be the most enjoyable one.

Younger Days - Lack Of Freedom

Some people might have picked their younger days, when life was more carefree, and all they had on their plate was studying well and having fun, without having to worry about finances, or even their meals, because the parents would be taking care of those aspects.

But personally, I felt that I didn't have as much freedom to pursue my life aspirations. While schooling, my expenses was limited to how much money my parents gave me (even though I appreciate that I didn't have to work for it) and I didn't have the freedom to buy any stuff I want. At my current age, I have been working for several years and have some savings, I have more freedom to exercise my own discretion to spend on things and experiences, even if some of them might be crazy expensive. Of course, the "downside" is that I have to work for my own keep and money doesn't drop from my parents now, I think it's something that is manageable as a trade off.

When I am out with my friends, (maybe it's an Asian family culture), I would need to seek permission and let my parents know who I was going out with, and what time I would be back. I mean, it's not a bad thing, but it goes back to the point about freedom to do whatever I want. At my current age, I have the freedom to do whatever I want (of course within the laws). It doesn't have to be crazy things, I can hop on a flight and travel at short notice or even laze on the bed the whole day, and that would be perfectly fine.

Older Days - The Health Factor

I actually wondered if life in the 40s would be more ideal. By then, I probably have progressed further in my career, have more savings (after more years of work), or probably could semi-retire or opt for slower pace of life. I guess it's the fear of the unknown, and a large part of the fear is down to health.

Compared to my 20s, my body in 30s (especially late 30s) is very different. The metabolism slows, the aches come, and little issues (fortunately) start to pop up in those annual check ups that require slight attention. Based on this trajectory, I think it will only get worse when I get to 40s or even later. Of course, it's not end of the world as long as we have a reasonable lifestyle of eating healthily and doing some exercise, but I feel that the unknown of what health issues will crop up make me feel like the 30s decade might be the best time of my life.

Summing Up

Just like the Singapore Flyer, life has its ups and downs. One moment, you might be at your own peak, but the next moment, life throws you a curveball and things goes downhill. Each age period will face its own set of challenges. At the end of the day, there is no correct answer and everyone is shaped by their personal life experiences. For me, I think my answer is largely based on living in the present, enjoying the moment, and be contented what I have now. So the most ideal age for now is where I am at now.


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