Weekend Engagement - Favourite Moment with Nature


It's my first entry for Weekend Engagement so a BIG HI to whoever's reading!

The photo above was taken in 2015 during my trip to New Zealand. It's the Blue Lake, which is one of the many scenic sites at the Tongariro Alpine Crossing.

I recalled my travelling partner and I signed up for the Tongariro Alpine Crossing because it was one of the top single day hikes in New Zealand or perhaps even in the world. To our "horror" (or at least mine), even though the entire path was "only" around 20km, it consisted of countless uphill and stairs, steep slopes and dangerous edges, and I found myself gasping for breath and struggling towards the end.

But with all that said, the scenery was extremely breathtaking! I got to see snow capped mountains (had to be very careful not to slip...all the way down), huge craters, colourful lakes (due to the minerals I think), and other mesmerising scenery!

The reason why this image and this trip came to my mind when I think of my favourite moment with nature, is because, I recalled feeling a sense of peacefulness and tranquility each time I took a water break and admired the scenic spots. There was just something about these huge majestic-looking mountains and calming waters that was so captivating. I would have sat and admired the scenery all day long (if I didn't have to return to the lodge).

Sometimes we are too busy chasing for things we don't have, but we failed to notice the valuable stuff that we already have. So I am glad that I chanced upon this weekend engagement post, and it gave me a chance to reflect and remind myself to be contented with what I have.

Thanks for reading my personal sharing!

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