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"THE DATE" another Posting Contest in tha blockchain.

Well, G-dog has tempted us again to participate in yet another of his contests with a fun and good topic to develop for THE WEEKEND community. One that has to do with dating, games of seduction, strategic attacks and resounding conquests on the battlefields of life. And I have decided to participate in his challenge.

And since this is going to be a relatively long post from me. Let me immediately jump into briefly mention some of the rules and the details of the topic proposed by him so that you at least have a basic idea of what it is about. Otherwise, 🔝click🔝

Are you a romantic person? Do you love dating or date-nights? Do you have an ideal date in your ideal person for the ideal date? This posting initiative is all about dating so here's your chance to share it with the community.

Post about a date you've had or would like to have in the future.

Tell us about the person you're with, the location and activities, what food or music is involved, what you'd wear, or wore, if you're nervous or not, how you got there, how you got home, or did you stay over at your date's place for the night?

It doesn't have to be about real events; you can make it up and choose anyone you like to take with you. If you've got a funny story about a real date, or a good-news story about a date that carried forward into a relationship, you can post about that too. Basically, just follow the rules above and post about dates and dating.

The contest rules of entry

✅ Post in THE WEEKEND community (Not cross posted)
✅ Tag #thedate as the first tag in your post
✅ Your post must be more than 300 words
✅ Write in English - Use a translator if you need to
✅ Contest ends 23:30 UTC Thursday 10th March (google it)

Alright! that's it folks. :)

And now "My Entry"

🔥🌋🚒 "Good Memories" ...dancing voluptuously onto a little brick. 🔥🌋🚒

Well, today and so close to the weekend. I wanted to make a somewhat different post that strays a bit from the main topics that most of the people around here seem to be posting all the time. And this is gonna be about how to make a date long ago.

Yeah, I suppose this will be a light and attractive topic that will probably invite you to participate for the pure sake of interaction and engagement to stir up heaps of good memories through fun & healthy entertainment. "The Art Of Dating"

Okay, here's the thing:

I know that most of you who make life here on this blockchain, are basically a string of youngsters who probably did not have the opportunity to live the experiences that I am going to talk about next and of which now I invite you to participate.

But that's all fine. Not for being a youngster you are at all disqualified to share your unique experiences here too. Perhaps it is only me the one who is unaware of the modern variants of making a date launching a party out of nowhere thru the musical experiences that I am going to narrate below.

The initiative in today's post only has the intention and purpose of refloat your best memories to the surface of your consciousness and draw a wide big smile from ear to ear in your lovely face. An adorable musical journey of conquer and delight.

Since I am indeed that old, let me first describe what the experiences of this whole initiative are about. "Dancing voluptuously onto a little brick" classic rock songs.

Yeah! I remember in my old good days when I also were a handsome and horny youngster that when being in one of those spontaneous parties that in those good times suddenly out of the blue appeared everywhere and we used to organize these mainly in our own homes or on friend's homes to date a hot chick.

There was almost always one, two, three, four or just a handful of hot girls in the neighborhood that everyone wanted to conquer. And then, once, when one of these spontaneous parties occurred, everyone was always quick to invite them. Obviously, to put our luck and incomparable manly charms to test once again against the tough competition from our peers. Sexy girls have always been a highly prized trophy. };)

On the other hand, there were also those cute girls who, although they were not the sexiest and most desirable in the neighborhood, they were also the target of some secret crush of a few of our friends. And evidently, that they were also invited to the party. Only, that a bit more furtively and without all the fuss from stakeholders with high hopes that they would turn up to the party too for their exclusive interests

Well, alright! to make a long story short. Now let me get to the point.

As many of you know (or remember) in those spontaneous domestic parties of that time, there used to be no DJs, nor did we have mixers or CD equipment, CDs or MP3 players to launch and start the rumba. We only had the good Ol' phonographs and if we were lucky, maybe a turntable with a decent amp and a pair of average speakers.

To achieve the resounding success of the party, each one of us simply contributed and collaborated by bringing a good selection of the best rock albums and LP vinyl records of our private collection to the friend's house where the party was to be held. And who was often the one who would be in charge of performing the defiant DJ duties since it was about his own audio gear or that of their parents.

But as this also required having a broad knowledge of music, not all these friends were able to exercise impeccably this improvised DJ function. Despite having the space to launch the party and being our host on duty.

A good bunch of our gang who were specialists and almost always in charge of decorating quickly the place with a ton of colored lights (specially black or purple lights) which were very common, claimed and popular in my time. Their skills usually gave it the technical and final touch to the improvised dancing floor.

Oh! the improvised dancing floor. The transitory territory of battle, invasion and conquest in which only the fittest and most daring were going to try once more to get hold of the most valuable loot. The hottest chicks at the party. Mwahahaha };)

I have to admit that at that time, hot chicks, regular girls and coy ladies, all of them were equally at a bit of disadvantage before us men in our savage and brazen plans of conquest. Since at the time, they usually always had to wait for someone invite them and take them out to dance. But don't think they were completely helpless.

Most of them possessed weapons much more powerful and effective than us and they used them in more lethal and deadly ways than any of us men had ever used.

Girls! girls, girls, girls. The always fragile, innocent and defenseless girls. Tsk Tsk.

Once the music, the lights and the decoration of the place were resolved. Alcoholic and spiritual drinks were just a piece of cake to get and then deploy, moist and serve the battlefield splendidly well until sunrise for the end of the "date".

Since that only required making a quick money collect between all of us. Buy the booze and spilling the content of all the liquor bottles, whatever each liquor was, all mixed together in a large kettle to which we also added pieces of fruit of all kinds. And then, that way inventing an authentic liquid bomb elixir from whose unexpected sensuality almost no one would escape unscathed in the morning. Yeah, those were good and healthy times to make a "romantic" date. Believe it or not.

But yeah! ok, ok. Don't push me because I fall alone. It's just that I get excited remembering all this old stuff hahaha. Let's get right away to the point. Yeah straight to the 'initiative' remember?

The point is that at that time we used to dance together embraced tightly body to body. Feeling closely each other our breath, our sweat, our most imperceptible tremors and movements. And patently and palpably our most inconfesable passions and deep desires. We both just needed to have enough time to perceive it in all its dimension and magnitude. Usually dancing voluptuously onto a mere little brick.

And it is right here where the music comes in. Well, in this case the slower and mellow tunes. The legendary songs and classic Rock & Roll jewels that the longer, more mellow and seductive and memorable, the better for our sole purpose which too often was to polish the belt buckle well to get the brightest shine of the glows on it. And for that, we knew that we had to move way slyly & voluptuously just as slowly to the same cadence of the music in a seductive way in the minimum space of just a small brick to be able to catch all the favorable signals that our date allowed.

Yes, because at that time there were slow songs that were among the most famous and memorable in Rock & Roll. And yes, they were to be danced tightly together. Embraced body to body in an attempt to melt each other in just one sizzling entity.

And last but not least. I do not want to miss the opportunity to also remember and mention here what is perhaps the most relevant in this post. The fact that we all surely have our all-time favorite songs for these ancient purposes and many other contemporary unspeakable purposes too.

And I bet most of us certainly own and conserve all the original CDs or LP albums in vinyl of all of these legendary bands and favorite songs currently in our collection.

I for one have a heap. Even, in many cases, the very same old vinyl that I took with me to all those old domestic parties that I have told you about before. LP Records that I always carried with me to these parties not only because they were the ones that had my favorite songs, but also because I knew they were the longest and most effective for my infallible conquest plans on a date. "The Memorables"

And although I certainly have hundreds of them that are my favorites for this sort of conquest purposes. Literally hundreds or thousands of favorites that bring back unforgettable memories of the good times when we were young and always looking for a successful date. I'm just gonna share a handful of them below.

Yep, certainly not the most popular and well known. As for instance, The Beatles Here Comes The Sun or The Who See me Feel me or the always omnipresent Led Zeppelin Stairway To Heaven among thousands of many others that also bring me back unique and fabulous memories of successful dates. Unforgettable memories and experiences that will accompany us all our lives.

Those are precisely the ones that I would like you to share with all of us as well.

I'm going to share here only five. But I would hope and aspire that you at least share at least three. Could be less than three. But... ¡Come on! Are you going to try to convince us that you've been to so few conquest parties? I don't believe you! :)

Alright! I will go first.

In some sort of chronological order....

"Battlefield One"

"Battlefield Two"

"Battlefield Three"

"Battlefield Four"

"Battlefield Five"

"Battlefield Six"

Yeah I cheated. I've shared six and not solely a handful as I said above. But what could you expect from someone who conserve thousands of these unforgettable songs in his memory as immutable vehicles that transport you to many of your best experiences in life? These above are just a very tiny sample of many of them.

And yes. I have cheated, just to inspire and motivate you to do it too and not share only three or four or five or six of your own favorites. But so that you share with us all the amazing songs that you wish and want to share with us which bring you great and unforgettable memories of dates that you reckon we should know about. :)

Leave a comment. Share your experiences and feedback. ¡Be part of the conversation!


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