Weekend-engagement, Passions now and 200 years later


Hello hivers friends wherever you are, happy weekend to all of us, take just one day a week to relax with your loved ones, you don't have to take a vacation, just share your free time with them

As usual, every week, this beloved community always publishes a #weekend-engagement with various interesting themes to follow, and this is the first time I have participated in this Weekend-engagement, and I will try to answer two themes at once for the week here is my entry, thanks to @galenkp for publishing such an interesting theme



In life I like many things, such as traveling, enjoying the beauty of nature and also enjoying good food in an open space while enjoying the coolness of nature, I happen to have some pictures where at that time I was spending time with my friends, and I will share here


As a bridal make-up artist, of course I pay a lot of attention to appearance, even though I'm not pretty, at least I have to show that I'm a true make-up artist, looking neat and clean is the main thing that I have to pay attention to, apart from being a customer attraction, it's also one of the most important things. I like it, right now I don't even dare to go on screen because my face has some small stitches after yesterday's accident, and to cover it up, I use makeup so that my customers won't be afraid to see my face while doing their makeup later


Apart from all that, I have a hobby like a true nature lover and culinary lover, even no matter how busy my job is, every week there is always one day where I spend time traveling, be it with my friends or family, as you can see in the picture. above, they are my best friends who have always been by my side in good and bad times, so it's no wonder I often spend time with them, enjoying good food while seeing the beauty of nature is what we often do together, I really like going to places -a place that has a natural feel, be it the beach or the mountains, apart from that, we also happen to have the same profession, and it's not uncommon for us to share knowledge with each other when we're together like this

I think that's all I can say for my passion in life, my hobbies and work run at the same time, I often serve customers outside the city, and I always make time for those moments to hunt for tourist attractions, both culinary and nature tourism. even if it was only for a moment

Time capsule letter


This is an interesting question, and if it is possible then I will write a letter containing the story of my life journey, where I intend to give encouragement to people who will read it 200 years later, it is intended that my passion for life can still be continued by later generations

The first thing I want to write about is my struggle in achieving my dream, it all started when I was in high school, at that time I made a cake and I left it at the stall so that I could get money, and that happened for three years, I collected all the profits I had can so that I can go to college, because I'm not a rich person, and my parents can't afford to pay for my college, and it all worked out, I graduated from college and became a scholar without a penny from my parents

But over time, I plunged into the world where I run my business now, the same thing happened again, my coffers of money were collected so I could have my own business, and at the age of 26 I managed to buy a car with my sweat alone, and it feels very good, even though now I'm a single mom, but that's not a problem, I can still support my life and my family


My goal in writing a letter like that is not to show off, but rather I want to encourage the spirit of the next generation, depending on your parents doesn't make you great, learn to be an independent person, don't depend on other people, let alone trouble others, everything needs a process, and as long as we are patient and sure to live it I think it will pay off, remember one word that has been proven true, that EFFORT NEVER BETRAYS THE PROCESS

Well, I think that's all I can share for this week's #weekend-engagement, see you next week and have a great weekend 😊😇

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