Inspiring Each Other to Save Our World

Hi weekenders!
This weekend is all about inspiration, a great topic! One of the reasons I became a teacher is because I love inspiring kids, but they also in turn inspire me again! So love this topic, thanks @galenkp for this choice!

So I decided to go for the option where I could inspire anyone on this planet in a positive way. And here we go: I would love to inspire the leaders of this world to make this planet last, change the way we pollute it now and make it a place future generations can thrive in!

My Vision

Wouldn't it be amazing if we could all live on this planet in a sustainable way? Sharing it with animals, people, plants in a way that we don't fight with each other over space? Wouldn't it be wonderful if we could live on our planet and also have our children and grandchildren live in that place? Well I think it would be!

I have been watching some amazing things of people living in sustainable houses; powered by solar energy and off natural gas. I have also been watching a show on organic and natural farming: farms that do not use mono culture, but combine different crops, animals and plants to make sure there is a balance in their ecosystem.

My Inspiration

So I know this is a pretty big topic right? And many people have been doing some amazing things already: people have started using more public transport, some people are eating less meat or are investing in solar energy for their homes. Awesome! But I really want to give a wake up call full of inspiration to some of the people who can make an even bigger difference then their own carbon footprints.

I am talking to you leaders of the world! Get off your asses! Properly represent the people of your country and help them to preserve this beautiful planet that we all want to live on!

What I see is a lot of leaders who are thinking short term: "I was only elected for 5 years, this is not my problem!" or "I don't want to raise taxes for my citizens for a problem that they cannot even see in their lifetimes." But I believe true leadership should mean that you are not afraid of making big choices, lead your people and dare to do something that might be unpopular now but will help everyone in the long term.


So leaders, be inspired, see our beautiful planet and set out to save it!

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