Hello my lovely families, hope your weekend was fun and exciting? Today am sharing my experience on one of the topics introduced by @galenkp which is
What would you do if you lost your job and have no income.


I have been there,experienced it and live through the trauma of losing a job and my financial freedom.

Our jobs are believed to be more than our source of livelihood but also influence our self worth and confidence.
Losing a job can be a devastating, traumatic and stressful experience. Even when the lost job is not your preferred job, the financial security you derive from the job brings immense joy of having not depending on your families.
As an independent lady I get what I want at any given time,eat what I love, do what I love and not think of what others will say I go for what I loved. But after losing my job that kind of freedom stop because to get certain thing I will have to ask for it which is kind of frustrating when what you need at a particular moment is not available. You need toiletries you have to ask sething which I never have to do when I was financially stable.
Losing my job is one of the most stressful and guilt ridden experience. I previously work in a Micro-finance organisation, even when the job is stressful and time consuming,but it still brings a sense of financial security, but after losing the job I believe I lost my sense of financial security which saddens my heart.

After losing my job I became frustrated,angry and sad. Having now to depend on family for sustainance I became withdrawn and a shell of myself. And tend to think about the what if's.
I love reading novels a lot but after the loss I became detached in reading and other things and activities that are of interest to me before.also notice lot ls of changes in me and due to only me staying at home after every one might have gone their different place of work negative thoughts sets in.

My self-esteem and self confidence was shaken up and was depressed for a long time,feeling of helplessness and hopelessness started to set in. Staying indoor always I became isolated, I found it difficult to go out and mingle with friends and the society in general. Having difficulty in concentrating on certain things. Questioning my identity,grieving all that I have lost and feeling concerned and restless not knowing what the future holds.

But when my friends tells me that me not being in a job doesn't define who I am as a perosn,it is now up to me to decide if I want to continue to beat up myself on what was and what should, I should rather focus on restrategising,finding myself again and pick up from where I stopped and aim for greatness.

I came to realised that me all those negative thoughts,depression and frustration are part of me grieving and it is normal to grieve after the loss of a job. And that was my wake-up call.

When I realised that me losing my job is not the end of life and career,I came up with some coping mechanism and move on to the next phase of my life.

  • Encouraging myself with confidence speech such as i am not a failure,I am destined for greatness,I can do it and I will make it.

Me in my feelings

  • Taking proper care of myself
  • Thinking positive
  • Reaching out to friends and expressing my feeling and challenge all negative thoughts harbored for a long time.

On outing with friends

  • Taking my job loss as temporary delay and focus on new paths.
  • Going out to search for jobs opportunity which brings me to my current teaching job,though the pay is not enough but it's a start to a better future.

At my Teaching job

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