Swear Words

Where do you stand on swearing? Is there a time and place for it or do you think it should never be done? Discuss in 300+ words and use photos you took yourself where you can.

I consciously choose to not swear. The older I get, the more aggressive, lazy, or low IQ it sounds when I hear others use cuss words. I try to teach my kids that there are better options out there, as far as word choice goes, to use for emphasis. As a child, I remember the feeling of rebelliousness that came with swearing and how cool it made me feel to say words that I "should not". I was raised to be church-going until I was around 10. We moved from town to town town during a short time, so I think that made my parents feel less a part of the church in the town we settled in, which finally led to non-attendance after a couple of years of not feeling a part of it. Those defining years may have influenced me as well.

My aversion to swearing is newer. As a young adult, I swore regularly. I recall my oldest son's favorite word rhymed with duck when he was around 2 years old. At that point, I realized he heard me say it every other word. So from then on, I did my best to eliminate cussing from my every day word choices. With two more young kids now, I find even less desire to swear and more reasons to live up to being a positive role model for them, in the ways I see fit. I try to teach them health, fitness, respect, financial decisions, speaking properly, manners, being loving, and neighborly. If they choose to swear when they get older, that is their choice.

I don't think cussing is needed, but if people choose to, it really does not impact me. My wife cusses. My friends cuss. Here and there I accidentally cuss. Like many things in life, what I choose to do and my point of view do not have to be in line with others, as long as they do not hurt others. My choice to not swear impacts nobody negatively.

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