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Weekend is a free time and thinking about fear

Fear and nervousness are two emotions that many people experience, and this is due to reasons that range from one man or woman to another and are precipitated via the frequency and velocity of each day events, and pressures, whether at work or home, or in social life, or even fear of failure, and their causes fluctuate from one character to another.

Heredity plays a major role in feeling fear, nervousness and stress, and genes have a function in transmitting fear and sickness anxiety, according to what research have proven. A person is in specific stages of life, which makes him suffer from constant fear and anxiety, about any matter, even if it is simple.

Exposure to consistent pressures and challenging and extreme conditions expose a individual to a feeling of fear and a lot of wondering and anxiety. Intense, unexplained worry and a constant feeling of anxiety about regular things.

Excessive thinking about the future and worry leads to sickness anxiety and concern of overcoming obstacles that he might also face in the future, which reasons him to continuously fear, stress and anxiety, and family disintegration is one of the most necessary elements that lead to concern and extreme anxiety, and it influences youth in particular. It also makes the husband and spouse go through in their dealings with those around them.


It is necessary for a person to have self assurance in himself and to work to beef up his personality, and now not to stand too tons on situations and pressures to which he is exposed, and to continually be keen on nice thinking, and no longer go away himself to negative thoughts, making certain to take a ruin in times when psychological pressures increase, and there is also Herbs and drinks that assist loosen up and exercise are important things and wholesome habits that contribute to assuaging anxiety, stress and fear.

Participation in social existence such as attractive in volunteer work, which helps you psychological remedy by means of assisting others, and this brings you a feeling of happiness and relieves you of fear and anxiety.

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