Part of me, book La Edad de oro.

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Good morning, beautiful community, I arrived here through the suggestions of friends from the HiveCuba group and my wife. Upon entering, I read that there was a challenge and I would like to share this writing with you. I will choose the theme of the most precious good, which in this case will be a book. I hope you enjoy it.


When I read the proposals for this weekend's challenge I was not sure whether to do it about collections or about the most precious good that could not include the cell phone or the computer, but doing it about something I collect did not stimulate me, so I spent some time looking for something that identified me and you know what I found: a book. Yes, as you read, a book, but not just any book, it is "La edad de oro". This book has been with me for many years. When it was bought for me, as a child, to study the stories that were given at school, I did not know the value of a book, nor what its writings could transmit, I only read it to get out of school. I confess that I always liked more the fictional themes like Harry Potter and The Lord of the Rings, but as we grow up, we mature and read what was once detestable, becomes a delicacy of wisdom, pleasure and enthusiasm. This book, as I told you, has been with me for many years, but not only does it continue to help me, but the child is using it as well.


When they are small it is difficult at this time for them to want to read something, it is easier to look for it on the Internet, but we have to get them into the habit and that is up to us as their guide in this life. In La Edad de Oro there are stories for all types of readers. Its writer, José Martí, was an incomparable person and had the gift of capturing in words and extrapolating us into the story. I recently resumed reading his stories again and every day I read them I discover new things; it doesn't matter if you have read them once, twice or a thousand times, there is always a new approach and something new that we hadn't realized. The book is spectacular, but there is a beautiful story that I would like to recommend to anyone who has not read it, although it is a classic, and it is "Meñique". If you read it years ago, I urge you to venture back into those letters.


I have wanted to write something about José Martí for a long time, but I didn't know what and now I have this opportunity. I leave pending for next year the visit to the house where he was born so that people who do not live in Havana, Cuba, can enjoy a post of that facility.

Without further ado, I hope you enjoyed this post.


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Fotos/Photos: By me.
Twitter: @newnow497
Facebook: @newnow497

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