[WE93] POSTING TOPIC prompts: I want to change society.- Against bullying


There is nothing more stressful in a human relationship than bullying which is an unwanted behavior in which a person is constantly persecuted for discrepancies in race, skin color, sexual orientation, age, disability, or even for not thinking the same way as other people. The harasser seeks to achieve a benefit at the expense of the harassed, whether it be demonstrating superiority to others, some monetary benefit, or personal gain.


In today's society this type of behavior occurs constantly suffering their victims of nightmares, anxiety, intense fear, insomnia, behavioral problems, low self-esteem, likelihood of cardiovascular disease, monetary difficulties.

The consequence of this scourge is that the person tends to believe that he/she will always be treated unfairly because he/she perceives a more negative view of life. The person actually withdraws, labeling himself as a loser.


Bullies spread lies, false rumors and spread gossip achieving this to multiply the number of people against someone.

In the educational centers psychological bullying usually occurs when the student is persecuted, blackmailed, insulted, looked at in an unpleasant way and threatened, being the object of this to subdue the other person to demonstrate power.

Very fashionable is the bullying where there are sexual implications in the professional or work environment. Here the harasser presents a situation of superiority and power, wanting to control his victim verbally, nonverbally, physically, behaviorally and psychologically if she does not accept his sexual advances. Thus, an offensive, hostile and insecure environment is created for the person.


Digital technologies are being used to frighten, annoy and even humiliate people, using social networks, messaging platforms, gaming platforms and cell phones as tools. Generally this is done by spreading lies, publishing compromising photographs, some embarrassing video, and even sending aggressive messages usurping identities.

In my opinion we are living in a bullying society, and it is precisely this scourge that I would like to exterminate, but the change would begin in ourselves, affirming to our children, family and friends that they are valuable, avoiding hurtful words and derogatory nicknames.

I would make aggressive campaigns in the media and schools informing and expressing the perniciousness of bullying, talk more about respect and tolerance in the communities, make parents and representatives understand that youth must learn to have self-esteem.


On the other hand, it would open channels of complaint to the respective authorities in order to cut the chain of harassment, see where it originates, and if there is a possibility of correcting such deviant behavior that has brought so many problems and sadness to society.

We would be in the presence of citizens with less stress, who would suffer less cardiovascular diseases, who would be empathetic to the problems of others and focus their family and work life to instill values that would multiply among their relatives, thus increasing labor productivity and making family ties endure.


This is my participation in theme 93 of the weekend suggested by @galenkp in THE WEEKEND community. Link Here

Four: I want to change society...

If you could change one thing in society, apart from politics, what would you change and why? What would that change mean to you or others now and in the future, how would it affect life, and do you think it would be a lasting change?

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to develop my idea through this great community, I say goodbye until another opportunity

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