WEEKEND-ENGAGEMENT WEEK #158: Love or money?

Greetings friends of the community, this is my first time sharing here and I wanted to do it taking advantage of the dynamics of @galenkp in his #weekend-engangement. While reviewing the proposed topics, one in specific caught my attention, because I had a similar choice and what better way to start with a topic which I think I can handle and develop from a perspective of a little experience, the topic I chose has been: Love or money.

For you to understand the reason for my answer I will put it in context: Some time ago (about 3 years to be exact) I had a very good relationship, I was quite happy in that relationship, but there were problems affecting the relationship, which were the lack of money (reason why we could not see each other so often) and the fact that I worked every day including weekends because I was the breadwinner of my family and my house (reason that also gave weight to not see each other so often) and that reminds me of an expression that they use a lot in my country "Love with hunger does not last". After ending the relationship for the reasons I mentioned, it was just days before the pandemic of 2020 started, so I dedicated myself completely to work (which I must mention was from home so I did not stop in pandemic) which meant that I had more money income and nothing was missing in my home while the pandemic lasted. I mean the job was exhausting, I worked about 15 hours if I'm being honest, but it was worth it for what I was generating and what it allowed me at the time.

I know there is always a discussion and the phrase that resonates the most is "Money doesn't buy happiness" it's true, but it does give you stability and honestly, stability is what has generated the most happiness in my life.

Being able to fulfill small whims such as having empanadas for breakfast (which is one of the things I love to do the most) already made my whole day happy and it is something that I could get with money, to buy them ready-made or make them myself by buying the ingredients.

Being able to give my family what they need makes me very happy because it is a way of giving back a small part of everything they have given me (even if they are not asking for it back), going out to do some shopping and being able to take some knick-knacks without having a guilty conscience for thinking that you are spending the little money you have, It makes me happy, my happiness is really based on small and simple things, which money helps a lot with that stability that I mention so much, so my answer is already quite clear, before choosing love or money, I would choose money, all the advantages it gives me, I really consider it is enough. Honestly I am not afraid of the loneliness of not having a partner, I am more terrified of the thought that tomorrow some family member or some of the people I love the most needs help and I can not give it to them or not being able to help them live to the fullest, it is really something that terrifies me, not being able to provide a good quality of life.

Also to say that most probably the reason for my choice is that I live in Venezuela and the situation is so complicated that money is something very difficult to get even if you work hard, so having that stability that I talk so much about, is quite difficult, so my perspective may be different from other people's, but I respect very much those who may not agree with my choice, because clearly we all have a different perspective and different experiences that can push us in other directions.

Thank you very much for reading me, I really hope it was entertaining to read. I really enjoyed in a way letting off steam by exposing my thoughts, I hope to continue to participate in the next #weekendengangement. Happy day to all!

All rights reserved by @Naitreart.

| Cover made by me in Photoshop |

Photographs taken with a xiaomi redmi 9a

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