My Planned Weekend Activities: My Busy Saturday

"There are dreamers and there are Planners; The Planners make their dreams come true"

-Edwin Louis Cole

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Planning is a sort of safety tool to make every decision a benefit. It is the key to making wise decisions. In everything that we do, we must plan before taking action. In short, Planning is a Blueprint for our decision-making. Without it, Outcomes have a greater possibility of becoming a failure. So I have to ask you, are you planning everything that you do? Not just for this day, but for tomorrow or the future, may it be a job or any activities?

Yesterday, Friday afternoon was my busiest day ever, not because I had a dump of paperwork, but because I had something to do with my classroom structuring. I have been repainting my classroom since my ordered paint arrived earlier that day. It took me almost half a day repainting, and I chose Friday since Saturday and Sunday would be weekends so the Paint will be dry enough when the students arrive this coming Monday morning. So while doing the task, I am planning my activities for the Weekend.

My Saturday


Someone messaged me last Friday morning that he would let me repair his motorcycle Panel Gauge since it has Sunburn, and someone recommended me to do such a difficult task. And I know a little bit about doing such a thing since I learned it from experience while looking at video guides on YouTube. So as planned, He arrived at my house this Saturday morning bringing all the necessary things for the job.




It took about 4 hours to do the task since I needed to be extra careful of soldering and replacing the polarizer film of the panel gauge.




After the hours of doing it, it has been a successful one. The customer is very happy since his motorcycle panel gauge was done perfectly and I only asked for a smaller amount of labor compared to another service provider. I only asked for 500 pesos or 10$ for the repair, compared to the other which is 1000 pesos or 20$. It is a great asset to learn things, especially skills because it helps us a lot for our economy. That's why, I never stop aiming to learn something new, to discover things, and to enhance my skills and capabilities aside from my profession.

Back to Basics


As always, Every Saturday is my Wash day. I always do my laundry every Saturday afternoon. So, after my customer left, I took a short rest and then did my laundry. My wife is in charge of taking care of my daughter. Washing clothes or doing laundry is just a basic for me.



After my laundry, I just put all the clothes in the basket since I will hang them out tomorrow morning. I took a bath and then changed into formal clothes because It was church time. We used to worship every Saturday in our church.


As we went back home, I felt thirsty and hungry. So as we arrived home, I took my cup and made my black coffee paired with a burger bun. Coffee releases my tiredness. It is a sort of stress reliever for me.

I considered my Saturday as a successful one since all that I had planned was accomplished. I am very happy and satisfied. The rest of my Saturday was surely my time of scrolling down my phone and engaging with the Hive Community.

Thank you for taking the time to read my blog. This is my Weekend Engagement related to the second Writing suggestion by @galenkp in Weekend-Engagement Topics 175 "If you could do anything this weekend, what would you do and why?"

My thanks to @galenkp for the wonderful topics and to the Weekend Experience Community.

Have a great Weekend everyone.

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