I Am Immortal This Weekend: What I Will Do.

To be immortal for a weekend could be disastrous if I venture into some overrated activities. After the weekend, probably my body will ache with injuries that could lead to death. So, I will just be careful what I do, after all, it's just for a weekend.

When you go to war as a boy, you have a great illusion of immortality. Other people get killed, not you…
Then, you are badly wounded the first time,you lose that illusion, and you know it can happen to you.

Ernest Hemingway

Eat A Good Breakfast

Immortals eat, don't they? I will get a quality breakfast for myself. At least, that would keep me alive. One of man's purposes on earth, whether mortal or immortal, is to eat good food too. Since this whole thing is just for the weekend, one must prepare for life after the weekend and a good breakfast is the first way to go.

What's In The News

To keep up with what's happening around the world, I would just stick to my television set to see what is found around the world. Stuffs like the Kenyan elections, the inflation in East Africa, the Chinese stock market and probably the glitch that caught HBD this morning. It's going to be business as usual.

Watch EPL Matches

It's match day during the weekend and I won't miss out because of immortality. As usual, I would get dressed and go and Manchester United would come out of relegation.

Going forward, to avoid being killed by my illusion, I will simply steer clear from any accident. Here are a number of activities I could get involved in.


Sleep Under Water

One hour will be enough. I haven't been a food swimmer because of my fear of large portions of water like beaches and what have you. With this mortality, I would just go underwater to see aquatic lives, maybe a shark.

Make Some Money From Show Biz

One weekend is enough for a magical show where the audience will pay to watch some deadly moves by me. For instance, I could set myself on fire 🔥 or dive into a volcano. These are scary, aren't they? I am still imagining the consequences.

Jump From A Chopper

That would be a good idea. Without a parachute. I would have set a record that would go into the Guinness book as the only man who deliberately jumped out of a chopper with a parachute.
This weekend is going to be full of more activities.

Some of these are weird. But that's what immortality got me doing.

This work is submitted to the Weekend Experiences initiated by @galenkp. Image is by Tom Fisk @pexel.com

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