Magical Saturday night

Hello friends of Hive who read me, this is my first time posting in this community, but I have been wanting to do it for a long time and I have been given the opportunity to attend this weekend to the Theater of my province Pinar del Rio in Cuba, called "Jose Jacinto Milanés" Theater to enjoy the National Ballet of Cuba.


The adventure began early in the morning to buy tickets. There were many people, that was the last day of the presentation and everyone wanted to attend, I did not get a seat of my preference but I was grateful because I had reached tickets and I could enjoy the show.


In the evening my husband and I were ready to enjoy the show starting at 8:30 pm. We could not miss the photos at the entrance. The theater has a simple construction but retains the aesthetics of its beginnings, has three floors with two balconies. The seats have the characteristic of the era in which they were created, around the 1900s.



We took our seats and were ready to enjoy the best Ballet of our country. The program was composed of Cuban works as well as classics of all times.



Among the Cuban choreographies were "La Siesta" based on the plastic work of Joaquín Menoya and the music of Ernesto Lecuona, as well as Alfonsina, based on the story of a writer who after living a love story that ends in tragedy decides to take her own life in the sea. Among the classical works, one act of Swan Lake and three acts of The Nutcracker.




I apologize for the poor sharpness of the photographs, but remember that my seat was far from the stage. In this small sample of what I could appreciate, the emotion that awoke each pirouette, the sensitivity, the technique, the skill and the professionalism of these dancers is not present. Their career is very sacrificed so the audience gave them a sea of applause felt at home delivery.

In my province there is a project called Danzaire, many girls are trained by ballet teachers who guide them on the long road of this so sacrificed dance manifestation. Seeing them give bouquets of flowers to their idols is beautiful, not all of us have the chance to share with the people we admire. They always receive the dancers when they arrive in the city and even give them master classes, a real gift. On this occasion a tribute was paid to a ballet teacher who has been preparing children for many years in Mantua, a town that is characterized by being a quarry of dancers.


It was exciting to enjoy this Saturday night. I never get tired of appreciating this manifestation of art that can sometimes be very abstract, I advise you to let your imagination fly so that the magic can emerge.
Thank you for making it to the end and I hope you enjoyed the reading.
The photos were taken by my Redmi 9A and the translation with DeepL because my native language is Spanish.

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