Weekend commitment #210 My most recent podcast: Vicarage violence.




Welcome friends


Happy day to all dear friends, I am pleased to share with you my entry in the weekend challenge #210, of this great community #WEEKEND EXPERIENCES, the theme chosen by me is: "What podcast are you listening to right now? Explain it and why you like it. Remember to use your own photos."

Something I love about today is the ease of access to information and although this is a double-edged sword depending on how you look at it, everything depends on the use of each individual, I love to watch and listen to podcast this I do while I do breakfast, lunch or dinner with topics of my interest or my ignorance, because every day we can learn something new, although if you can and have the opportunity to attend conferences, workshops or diploma courses that you like execelente! You attend the group feedback and presence is always a plus of added value, however this other podcast tool is easier dissemination and greater reach thanks to social networks and technology, so you should not miss this tool, the last podcast I saw deal with vicarious violence, many have heard terms such as gender violence, verbal violence, psychological violence ... are more common terms today for many and for me, but the subject of which the podcast was not known to me ... and is the VIOLENCE VICARIAN. this type of violence is exercised mostly in a couple relationship where there are already children, the thing is not simple, because everyone in the family is involved, in most cases it is the parents who exercise this violence through their children, which they use as a means or instruments in order to cause emotional, psychological damage to their partner who would be the mother, to the point of coercion through this practice, This podcast was made by a Mexican woman victim of her ex-partner, and seeing the numbers of statistics of women who suffer this type of violence is simply overwhelming, sometimes there are situations in life that happen to us and simply by ignorance we do not know what to call it and we let it happen thinking it is normal, that is why it is so important to be documented through any means because knowledge is the path to freedom, When I finished watching and listening to the podcast I understood that a very close friend of mine suffered this type of violence unfortunately she did not see the red flags that her husband presented in time and everything ended very badly, because unfortunately after she asked for a divorce and had a new partner her ex-husband decided to take the life of their daughter who was only 4 years old so that she would suffer a lot and never forget him, The guilt and loss were very strong feelings that my friend felt and with which she had to deal with for years, as a woman and a mother I don't think you can recover from the loss of a child. .. You just learn to live with their absence and that pain,
so this podcast was enlightening to my understanding and I hope that for many women it was also so, because it is quite complicated these days to be a woman for all that it implies socially and sometimes it gets uphill.... like being a professional, having your family, being a present mother but also continuing to generate income and growing professionally, taking care of your children but also of yourself, because society is becoming more insecure and dangerous every day, all these are very delicate issues but that today affect us Latin American women, So to conclude the recommendation is to have your eyes wide open before the red flags that may present that person you are meeting and more if you plan to have your family with that person, are decisions that should not be taken lightly because the scope of this decision is great, as a mother I might add that education in the home is vital not leave it only in the hands of the education system, the solution for our society to improve is in the hands of everyone.

Thank you all for making it this far for your time, attention and support and I hope you are having a great weekend.


✨✨See you next time ✨✨



📸Autoría del texto , fotografías| Text authorship, photographs @mili2801
🎥Imágenes y vídeo creados con: |Images and video created with: CapCut | Giphy| Canva
🇪🇸Traducido con DeepL


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