Mistakes to share, mistakes to carry. A potential burden to be very careful with

Il castigo più duro per chi tradisce è essere perdonato

(The harshest punishment for those who cheat is to be forgiven)

- Emanuela Breda -

While in a relationship, cheating would be something that can actually happen.

I am saying it can happen, by mistake, by a moment of weakness and many other situations.

BUT, it’s each lover’s responsibility to avoid them.
You do not cheat by mistake. Someone has the will to intentionally start “hunting” around to get some alternative satisfaction.

You do not cheat by weakness.

When you feel weak because for example a fight with your lover, you can avoid for a while some nightclubs or other cafes as you know that the weakness can lead to acts that can be then regretted.

Source: Author. The Ravenna surprise trip for Mary’s birthday.

BUT, those are the cases where someone is really interested in setting up again the relationship with the lover after, for example a hard discussion or other testing situations.

But here is just the first case of cheating: when one of the two lover finds itself in a “weak spot”. Weak spots can be avoided, can be controlled and also managed.
Anyway, there are also other people, the ones that simply cheats. There are couples that born “open” telling themselves that they are open to more lovers. And actually, under a traditional tantric perspective, polyamorous life is even considerable and acceptable very well BUT, both of the lovers of the eventual starting couple must be aware of that, and especially, READY.

So, “open couples” do exist, but both of the lovers are aware of it and they accept. When one lover goes here and there like a bee on the flowers, it’s not necessarily considerable as an open couple especially if the other lover is not aware of it or moreover if the other lover finds it hard to accept it.

Source: Author. Me and Mary at our wedding and quite a bunch of rice on my head.

So, when it comes to cheating, if it would ever happen to me, I would consider it a bad weakness spot and not something be proud of or brag about. I would feel very bad, guilty and especially I would feel a strong will to share it with my beloved.

Source: Author. And here with some friend of ours, that are getting married today and I will be at their marriage with Mary!

I would call it a sort of “taking my responsibility” but who I am to make the other person so guilty and bad as well?
Why someone can go around cheating on the beloved, cheating AND then also discharging all the guilty feelings into a lot of rubbish onto the lover?

Source: Author. Me and Mary on the “Mole Antonelliana” in Turin

That’s why my perspective on this would be keeping the error for myself, as the burden of the error should be kept just for me, dying with such burden and all the strength that would occur in the months and years after with such experience.

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